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GAINSBORO - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
gcd(int, int) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
Computes the Greatest Common Devisor of integers p and q.
generateBuffers(int) - Method in class
Creates the specified number of audio sample buffers and returns an array of AudioBuffer wrappers.
generateSource() - Method in class
Convenience wrapper for JOALUtil.generateSources(int) to create a single AudioSource.
generateSourceFromFile(String) - Method in class
Convenience wrapper bundling JOALUtil.loadBuffer(String) & JOALUtil.generateSource() in a single method call.
generateSources(int) - Method in class
Creates the specified number of hardware audio sources required to actually play the sample data stored in AudioBuffers.
generator - Variable in class
GenericScale - Class in
GenericScale(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class
GenericScale(String, int) - Constructor for class
Implements a scale based on a 12 bit integer value, where all 1 bits are used as possible tones for this scale.
GenericSet<T> - Class in toxi.util.datatypes
GenericSet(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class toxi.util.datatypes.GenericSet
GenericSet(T...) - Constructor for class toxi.util.datatypes.GenericSet
get(int) - Method in class toxi.color.ColorList
Returns the color at the given index.
get(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.GVector
Retrieves the value at the specified index value of this vector.
get(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip2D
Returns the vertex at the given index.
get(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip3D
Returns the vertex at the given index.
get(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Get the knot value at a specific index.
get(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Returns the vertex at the given index.
get(int) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.ArraySet
Get the item at the specified index.
get(int, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix3d
Retrieves the value at the specified row and column of the specified matrix.
get(int, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.ControlNet
Get the ControlPoint at the position u,v
get(String, String[]) - Method in class
Looks up the value for CSV column mapped to the given ID.
get(GMatrix) - Method in class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Places the values in the this GMatrix into the matrix m1; m1 should be at least as large as this GMatrix.
get(Matrix3d) - Method in class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Places the values in the upper 3x3 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.
get(Matrix3d) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix in order to acquire the normalized rotational component; the values are placed into the Matrix3d parameter.
get(Matrix3d, Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix to calculate the rotation as a 3x3 matrix, the translation, and the scale.
get(Matrix4f) - Method in class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Places the values in the upper 4x4 of this GMatrix into the matrix m1.
get(Quaternion) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix in order to acquire the normalized rotational component; the values are placed into the Quat4f parameter.
get(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Retrieves the translational components of this matrix.
getAbs() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
getAbs() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Gets the abs.
getAbs() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Gets the abs.
getAbs() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getAbs() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getAbs() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getAddress() - Method in class com.toxi.nio.UDPClientState
getAL() - Method in class
Returns a direct reference to the OpenAL API.
getAlignmentQuat(ReadonlyVec3D, ReadonlyVec3D) - Static method in class toxi.geom.Quaternion
Constructs a quaternion that rotates the vector given by the "forward" param into the direction given by the "dir" param.
getAmount() - Method in class toxi.sim.erosion.TalusAngleErosion
getAmp() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.subdiv.DisplacementSubdivision
getAnalog(float, float) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getAnalog(float, float) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getAnalog(int, float) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getAnalog(int, float) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getApothem() - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Computes the length of this polygon's apothem.
getArea() - Method in class toxi.geom.BooleanShapeBuilder
getArea() - Method in class toxi.geom.Ellipse
Computes the area covered by the ellipse.
getArea() - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Computes the area of the polygon, provided it isn't self intersecting.
getArea() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
getArea() - Method in interface toxi.geom.Shape2D
Computes the area of the shape.
getArea() - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle2D
getARGBToneFor(float) - Method in class toxi.color.ToneMap
getArray() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
get the knot values as float array
getAsNormalizedFloatArray(int[], int, int, int, float) - Static method in class toxi.util.datatypes.ArrayUtil
Creates a normalized version of the values of the given int[] array.
getAspect() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
Computes the aspect ratio of the rect as width over height.
getAt(double) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.DoubleRange
Returns the value at the normalized position (0.0 = min ...
getAt(float) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.FloatRange
Returns the value at the normalized position (0.0 = min ...
getAt(float) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.IntegerRange
Returns the value at the normalized position (0.0 = min ...
getAttractor() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.behaviors.AttractionBehavior2D
getAttractor() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.behaviors.AttractionBehavior3D
getAttributeIndex(String) - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getAverage() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorList
Calculates and returns the average color of the list.
getBaseColor() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.MaterialiseSTLColorModel
getBasePath() - Method in class toxi.util.FileSequenceDescriptor
Returns the base path of the sequence, i.e.
getBeatsPerBar() - Method in class
getBias() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedDoubleRange
getBias() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedFloatRange
getBias() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedIntegerRange
getBirthRules() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CARule2D
getBitDepth() - Method in class
Get the bit-depth of the data, (8 or 16)
getBlended(float) - Method in class toxi.color.ColorList
Creates a new ColorList by blending all colors in the list with each other (successive indices only)
getBlended(ReadonlyTColor, float) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getBlended(ReadonlyTColor, float) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
Returns a property as boolean.
getBottom() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
getBottomLeft() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
getBottomRight() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
getBoundingBox() - Method in interface toxi.geom.mesh.Mesh3D
Computes & returns the axis-aligned bounding box of the mesh.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getBoundingBox() - Method in class toxi.geom.PointCloud3D
getBoundingBox() - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle3D
getBoundingBox(List<? extends Vec3D>) - Static method in class toxi.geom.AABB
Factory method, computes & returns the bounding box for the given list of points.
getBoundingCircle() - Method in class toxi.geom.Ellipse
getBoundingCircle() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D
getBoundingCircle() - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip2D
getBoundingCircle() - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
getBoundingCircle() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
getBoundingCircle() - Method in interface toxi.geom.Shape2D
Computes the bounding circle of the shape.
getBoundingCircle() - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle2D
getBoundingRect(List<? extends Vec2D>) - Static method in class toxi.geom.Rect
Factory method, computes & returns the bounding rect for the given list of points.
getBoundingSphere() - Method in class toxi.geom.AABB
getBoundingSphere() - Method in interface toxi.geom.mesh.Mesh3D
Computes & returns the bounding sphere of the mesh.
getBoundingSphere() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getBoundingSphere() - Method in class toxi.geom.PointCloud3D
getBoundingSphere() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getBounds() - Method in class toxi.geom.ConvexPolygonClipper
getBounds() - Method in class toxi.geom.Ellipse
Returns the ellipse's bounding rect.
getBounds() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D
Returns the line's bounding rect.
getBounds() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line3D
Returns the line's axis-aligned bounding box.
getBounds() - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip2D
getBounds() - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Returns the polygon's bounding rect.
getBounds() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
Only provided because the Rect class implements Shape2D.
getBounds() - Method in interface toxi.geom.Shape2D
Returns the shape's axis-aligned bounding rect.
getBounds() - Method in class toxi.geom.SutherlandHodgemanClipper
getBounds() - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle2D
getBounds() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getBox() - Method in class toxi.geom.BoxIntersector
getBox() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.constraints.RectConstraint
getBox() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.constraints.BoxConstraint
getBuffer() - Method in class
Gets the buffer associated with this source.
getBuffer() - Method in class toxi.image.util.TiledFrameExporter
getBuffersProcessed() - Method in class
Gets the number of buffers already processed on this source.
getBuoyancyA() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
getBuoyancyB() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
getByteArray(String) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
Shorthand wrapper for TypedProperties.getByteArray(String, byte[]) automatically supplying an empty byte[] as default value.
getByteArray(String, byte[]) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
Returns a comma delimited property value as byte[] array.
getByteSize() - Method in class
Gets the size (in bytes) of the raw data contained in this buffer.
getCartesian() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Converts the vector from polar to Cartesian space.
getCartesian() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Converts the spherical vector back into cartesian coordinates.
getCartesian() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getCartesian() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getCentroid() - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip2D
getCentroid() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.Face
getCentroid() - Method in class toxi.geom.PointCloud3D
getCentroid() - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Computes the polygon's centre of mass.
getCentroid() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
Returns the centroid of the rectangle.
getCentroid() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getChildren() - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
getCircle() - Method in class toxi.geom.CircleIntersector
getCircumcenter() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayTriangle
getCircumCircle() - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle2D
getCircumference() - Method in class toxi.geom.Circle
getCircumference() - Method in class toxi.geom.Ellipse
Computes the approximate circumference of the ellipse, using this equation: 2 * PI * sqrt(1/2 * (rx*rx+ry*ry)).
getCircumference() - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Computes the polygon's circumference, the length of its perimeter.
getCircumference() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
getCircumference() - Method in interface toxi.geom.Shape2D
Computes the shape's circumference.
getCircumference() - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle2D
getClippedValueFor(double) - Method in class toxi.math.ScaleMap
Computes mapped value in the target interval and ensures the input value is clipped to source interval.
getClosest(float, boolean) - Static method in class toxi.color.Hue
Finds the closest defined & named Hue for the given hue value.
getClosestAxis() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
getClosestAxis() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
Identifies the closest cartesian axis to this vector.
getClosestHue() - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getClosestHue() - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getClosestHue(boolean) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getClosestHue(boolean) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getClosestPointTo(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
getClosestPointTo(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle2D
Finds and returns the closest point on any of the triangle edges to the point given.
getClosestPointTo(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle3D
Finds and returns the closest point on any of the triangle edges to the point given.
getClosestVertexTo(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
getClosestVertexToPoint(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.mesh.Mesh3D
getClosestVertexToPoint(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getClosestVertexToPoint(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
getClosestVertexToPoint(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getCoefficients() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D.LineIntersection
getCoefficients() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line3D.LineIntersection
getColor() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorRange
Creates a new color based on the flexible constraints of the range.
getColor() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorTheme
getColor() - Method in class toxi.color.HistEntry
Returns the color of this histogram entry.
getColor(Hue) - Method in class toxi.color.ColorRange
Creates a new shade of the given hue based on the other constraints of the range.
getColor(ReadonlyTColor, float) - Method in class toxi.color.ColorRange
Creates a new color based on the constraints defined in the range.
getColors(int) - Method in class toxi.color.ColorRange
Creates a new ColorList of colors based on the constraints of this range.
getColors(int) - Method in class toxi.color.ColorTheme
Creates a ColorList of TColors based on the theme's ranges and balance defined by their weights
getColors(ReadonlyTColor, int, float) - Method in class toxi.color.ColorRange
Creates a new ColorList of shades of the given TColor based on the other constraints of the range.
getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Places the values of the specified column into the array parameter.
getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix3d
Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the array parameter.
getColumn(int, float[]) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the array parameter.
getColumn(int, GVector) - Method in class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Places the values of the specified column into the vector parameter.
getColumn(int, Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix3d
Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the vector parameter.
getColumn(int, Vec4D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the vector parameter.
getComplement() - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getComplement() - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getComponent(int) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
getComponent(int) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
getComponent(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getComponent(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getComponent(Vec2D.Axis) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
getComponent(Vec2D.Axis) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getComponent(Vec3D.Axis) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
getComponent(Vec3D.Axis) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getComponentValue(AccessCriteria) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getComponentValue(AccessCriteria) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getComponentValueFor(ReadonlyTColor) - Method in class toxi.color.AccessCriteria
getComponentValueFor(ReadonlyTColor) - Method in class toxi.color.AlphaAccessor
getComponentValueFor(ReadonlyTColor) - Method in class toxi.color.CMYKAccessor
getComponentValueFor(ReadonlyTColor) - Method in class toxi.color.HSVAccessor
getComponentValueFor(ReadonlyTColor) - Method in class toxi.color.LuminanceAccessor
getComponentValueFor(ReadonlyTColor) - Method in class toxi.color.RGBAccessor
getConfig() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
getConjugate() - Method in class toxi.geom.Quaternion
Computes this quaternion's conjugate, defined as the same w around the inverted axis.
getConnectedNodesFor(N) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.UndirectedGraph
Report all the neighbors of node.
getConstrained(AABB) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Creates a copy of the vector which forcefully fits in the given AABB.
getConstrained(AABB) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getConstrained(Polygon2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getConstrained(Rect) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Creates a copy of the vector which forcefully fits in the given rectangle.
getConstrained(Rect) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getContinuousGrowthBias() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getContinuousGrowthCoeff() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getContinuousGrowthRatio() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getControlNet() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
getControlNet() - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Get the Contol points of the NurbsSurface
getControlPoints() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
getControlPoints() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.ControlNet
Get all the control points
getControlPoints() - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Get the ControlPoints of this curve
getCurl() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
getCurrent() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.DoubleRange
getCurrent() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.FloatRange
getCurrent() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.GenericSet
getCurrent() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.IntegerRange
getCurrent() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.IntegerSet
getCurrentBounds() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
getCurrentBounds() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
getCurrentCurvePoint() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
getCurrentParticle() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
getCurrentSegmentPos() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAGuideLines
getCurrentTileID() - Method in class toxi.image.util.TiledFrameExporter
getCurrentUAt(int, int) - Method in class toxi.sim.grayscott.GrayScott
Convenience method to access U array using 2D coordinates.
getCurrentVAt(int, int) - Method in class toxi.sim.grayscott.GrayScott
Convenience method to access V array using 2D coordinates.
getCurrNormalOffset() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.OBJWriter
getCurrVertexOffset() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.OBJWriter
getCurve() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.CurveCreator
Get the curve NurbsCurve of the CurveCreator
getCurveAlign() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getCurveAttachDistance() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getCurveAttachDistanceSquared() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getCurveSpeed() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getCylinder() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.constraints.CylinderConstraint
getDarkened(float) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getDarkened(float) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getDarkest() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorList
Finds and returns the darkest color of the list.
getData() - Method in class
Gets the raw data contained in this buffer.
getData() - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricHashMap
getData() - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpaceArray
getDate(String, String[]) - Method in class
getDateFormat() - Method in class
getDCoeff() - Method in class toxi.geom.Plane
getDecay() - Method in class
getDecimatedVertices(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip2D
Computes a list of points along the spline which are uniformly separated by the given step distance.
getDecimatedVertices(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip3D
Computes a list of points along the spline which are uniformly separated by the given step distance.
getDecimatedVertices(float, boolean) - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip2D
Computes a list of points along the spline which are close to uniformly separated by the given step distance.
getDecimatedVertices(float, boolean) - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip3D
Computes a list of points along the spline which are close to uniformly separated by the given step distance.
getDefaultCompilers() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class toxi.math.SinCosLUT
getDefaultRGB() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.DefaultSTLColorModel
getDefaultRGB() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.MaterialiseSTLColorModel
getDefaultRGB() - Method in interface toxi.geom.mesh.STLColorModel
getDegree() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
getDegree() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Get the degree of the KnotVector
getDegree() - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Get the Degree of the curve
getDelta() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.SpatialIndex
getDensity() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver3D
getDensity() - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricHashMap
getDensityField() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
getDepth() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.Terrain
getDepth() - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
getDesaturated(float) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getDesaturated(float) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getDescriptionPlain() - Method in class
getDeviceList() - Method in class
Retrieves a list of available OpenAL compatible audio devices.
getDifferenceTo(TColor) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getDiffuseU() - Method in class toxi.sim.grayscott.GrayScott
getDiffuseV() - Method in class toxi.sim.grayscott.GrayScott
getDiffusion() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
getDimensions() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
Returns a vector containing the width and height of the rectangle.
getDirection() - Method in class
getDirection() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D
getDirection() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line3D
getDirection() - Method in class toxi.geom.Ray2D
Returns a copy of the ray's direction vector.
getDirection() - Method in class toxi.geom.Ray3D
Returns a copy of the ray's direction vector.
getDirection() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAGuideLines
getDirectionAt(float) - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLASegment
getDispatcher() - Method in class
getDispatcher() - Method in class
getDistanceToPoint(Vec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Ray2D
Calculates the distance between the given point and the infinite line coinciding with this ray.
getDistanceToPoint(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Plane
Calculates distance from the plane to point P.
getDistanceToPoint(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Ray3D
Calculates the distance between the given point and the infinite line coinciding with this ray.
getDrag() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
getDrag() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
getDrawStep() - Method in class toxi.volume.MeshLatticeBuilder
getDuration() - Method in class toxi.util.FileSequenceDescriptor
Calculates sequence duration
getEdge(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
Returns one of the rectangles edges as Line2D.
getEdgeOrdering() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.subdiv.SubdivisionStrategy
Returns the Comparator used to sort a mesh's edge list based on a certain criteria.
getEdges() - Method in class toxi.geom.Ellipse
getEdges() - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip2D
Returns a list of Line2D segments representing the segments between the vertices of this strip.
getEdges() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WEFace
getEdges() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
getEdges() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WEVertex
getEdges() - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Returns a list of Line2D segments representing the polygon edges.
getEdges() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
getEdges() - Method in interface toxi.geom.Shape2D
Returns a list of the shape's perimeter edges.
getEdges() - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle2D
getEdges() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getEdgesForVertex(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getEdgesForVertexID(int) - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getElement(int, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Retrieves the value at the specified row and column of this matrix.
getElement(int, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Retrieves the value at the specified row and column of this matrix.
getElements() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.WeightedRandomSet
getElevation() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.Terrain
getEnclosuresForType(String) - Method in class
Returns a list of AtomLinks to enclosed items of the given MIME type.
getEntries() - Method in class toxi.color.Histogram
Returns the list of HistEntry elements produced by the Histogram.compute(float, boolean) method.
getEscapeRadius() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getEstimatedArcLength() - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip3D
getExtent() - Method in class toxi.geom.AABB
Returns the current box size as new Vec3D instance (updating this vector will NOT update the box size! Use AABB.setExtent(ReadonlyVec3D) for those purposes)
getF() - Method in class toxi.sim.grayscott.GrayScott
getFaceAsTriangle(AttributedFace) - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getFaceAttribValues(AttributedFace, String) - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getFaceAttribValues(AttributedFace, String...) - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getFaceNormals() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getFaceNormalsAsArray() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
Creates an array of unravelled normal coordinates.
getFaceNormalsAsArray(float[], int, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
Creates an array of unravelled normal coordinates.
getFaces() - Method in interface toxi.geom.mesh.Mesh3D
getFaces() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getFaces() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WingedEdge
getFaces() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getFacesAsArray() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
Builds an array of vertex indices of all faces.
getFacesForVertex(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getFaceVertices(AttributedFace, Vec3D[]) - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getFCoeffAt(int, int) - Method in class toxi.sim.grayscott.GrayScott
Extension point for subclasses to modulate the F coefficient of the reaction diffusion, based on spatial (or other) parameters.
getFileSequenceDescriptorFor(String) - Static method in class toxi.util.FileUtils
Analyses the given file path for a file sequence pattern and returns a FileSequenceDescriptor instance for further use to handle this sequence.
getFinalIndex() - Method in class toxi.util.FileSequenceDescriptor
Identifies the index of the last file of the sequence.
getFloat(String, float) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
Returns a property as float.
getFloat(String, String[], float) - Method in class
getFloatArray(String) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
Shorthand wrapper for TypedProperties.getFloatArray(String, float[]) automatically supplying an empty float[] array as default value.
getFloatArray(String, float[]) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
Returns a comma delimited property value as float[] array.
getFloored() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Creates a new vector whose components are the integer value of their current values
getFloored() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Creates a new vector whose components are the integer value of their current values.
getFloored() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getFloored() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getFoci() - Method in class toxi.geom.Ellipse
getForce() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.behaviors.ConstantForceBehavior2D
getForce() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
getForce() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.behaviors.ConstantForceBehavior3D
getForID(int) - Static method in enum
getForName(String) - Static method in class toxi.color.Hue
getForName(String) - Static method in class toxi.color.NamedColor
Returns a color for the given name.
getFrac() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Creates a new vector whose components are the fractional part of their current values
getFrac() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Creates a new vector whose components are the fractional part of their current values.
getFrac() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getFrac() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getFrequency() - Method in class
Gets the audio frequency of the data contained in this buffer.
getFrequency() - Method in class toxi.color.HistEntry
Returns the normalized frequency associated with this entry.
getFunction() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SurfaceMeshBuilder
getGeneration() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAMatrix
getGeneration() - Method in interface toxi.sim.automata.EvolvableMatrix
getGradientPoints() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorGradient
getGraphics() - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
getGrayscale(float, float) - Method in class toxi.color.ColorRange
Creates a new shade of gray based on the input brightness and the black and white constraints of the range.
getGrowthScale() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getGuideLineDensity() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getGuidelines() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
getGuideOctree() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
getHead() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.ParticleString2D
Returns the first particle of the string.
getHead() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.ParticleString3D
Returns the first particle of the string.
getHeading() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D
getHeight() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAMatrix
getHeight() - Method in interface toxi.sim.automata.EvolvableMatrix
getHeightAtCell(int, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.Terrain
getHeightAtPoint(float, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.Terrain
Computes the elevation of the terrain at the given 2D world coordinate (based on current terrain scale).
getHexInt(String, int) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
Returns a hexadecimal property as integer
getHue() - Method in class toxi.color.Hue
getID() - Method in enum
getID() - Method in class
Returns the OpenAL reference ID for this buffer.
getID() - Method in class
getID(T) - Method in interface toxi.util.datatypes.ItemIndex
getID(T) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.UniqueItemIndex
getIndex() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.MeshAttributeCompiler
getIndex() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.MeshFaceNormalCompiler
getIndex() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.MeshUVCompiler
getIndex() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.MeshVertexColorCompiler
getIndex() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.MeshVertexCompiler
getIndex() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.MeshVertexNormalCompiler
getIndex() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
getIndexFor(int, int) - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAMatrix
Computes the array index for the cell at x,y.
getIndexFor(int, int, int) - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpace
getInputMedian() - Method in class toxi.math.ScaleMap
getInputRange() - Method in class toxi.math.ScaleMap
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstanceOf(String) - Static method in class toxi.util.datatypes.SingletonRegistry
Creates or returns an instance of the class requested by name.
getInt(String, int) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
Returns a property as integer.
getInt(String, String[], int) - Method in class
getIntArray(String) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
Shorthand wrapper for {TypedProperties.getIntArray(String, int[]) automatically supplying an empty int[] array as default value.
getIntArray(String, int[]) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
Returns a comma delimited property value as int[] array.
getInterpolator() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorGradient
getIntersectionData() - Method in class toxi.geom.BoxIntersector
getIntersectionData() - Method in class toxi.geom.CircleIntersector
getIntersectionData() - Method in interface toxi.geom.Intersector2D
getIntersectionData() - Method in interface toxi.geom.Intersector3D
getIntersectionData() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.MeshIntersector
getIntersectionData() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getIntersectionData() - Method in class toxi.geom.PlaneIntersector
getIntersectionData() - Method in class toxi.geom.Ray3DIntersector
getIntersectionData() - Method in class toxi.geom.SphereIntersectorReflector
getIntersectionData() - Method in class toxi.geom.TriangleIntersector
getIntersectionWithRay(Ray3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Plane
Calculates the intersection point between plane and ray (line).
getInverted() - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getInverted() - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getInverted() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4x4
getInverted() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Scales vector uniformly by factor -1 ( v = -v )
getInverted() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Scales vector uniformly by factor -1 ( v = -v ).
getInverted() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getInverted() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getInvertedXYZ() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Scales vector uniformly by factor -1 ( v = -v ).
getInvertedXYZ() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getInvWeight() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
getInvWeight() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletParticle3D
getItems() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.GenericSet
getItems() - Method in interface toxi.util.datatypes.ItemIndex
getItems() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.UniqueItemIndex
getJitter() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.behaviors.AttractionBehavior2D
getJitter() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.behaviors.AttractionBehavior3D
getK() - Method in class toxi.sim.grayscott.GrayScott
getKCoeffAt(int, int) - Method in class toxi.sim.grayscott.GrayScott
Extension point for subclasses to modulate the K coefficient of the reaction diffusion, based on spatial (or other) parameters.
getKnots() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
getKnots() - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Gets the Knot values of the Nurbs curve
getKnotVector() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
getKnotVector() - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
getLeafForPoint(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
Finds the leaf node which spatially relates to the given point
getLeft() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
getLength() - Method in class toxi.geom.AxisAlignedCylinder
getLength() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D
getLength() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line3D
getLength() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line3D.LineIntersection
getLength() - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip2D
getLengthSquared() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D
getLengthSquared() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line3D
getLightened(float) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getLightened(float) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getLightest() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorList
Finds and returns the lightest (luminance) color of the list.
getLimited(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Creates a copy of the vector with its magnitude limited to the length given
getLimited(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Creates a copy of the vector with its magnitude limited to the length given.
getLimited(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getLimited(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getLine() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line3D.LineIntersection
getListener() - Method in class
Returns the SoundListener instance for the associated OpenAL context.
getListeners() - Method in class
getM00() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the first matrix element in the first row.
getM01() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the second matrix element in the first row.
getM02() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the third matrix element in the first row.
getM03() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the fourth element of the first row.
getM10() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get first matrix element in the second row.
getM11() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get second matrix element in the second row.
getM12() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the third matrix element in the second row.
getM13() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the fourth element of the second row.
getM20() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the first matrix element in the third row.
getM21() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the second matrix element in the third row.
getM22() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the third matrix element in the third row.
getM23() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the fourth element of the third row.
getM30() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the first element of the fourth row.
getM31() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the second element of the fourth row.
getM32() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the third element of the fourth row.
getM33() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Get the fourth element of the fourth row.
getMajorAxis() - Method in class toxi.geom.AxisAlignedCylinder
getMajorAxis() - Method in class toxi.geom.XAxisCylinder
getMajorAxis() - Method in class toxi.geom.YAxisCylinder
getMajorAxis() - Method in class toxi.geom.ZAxisCylinder
getMapped(ScaleMap) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Produces a new vector with its coordinates passed through the given ScaleMap.
getMapped(ScaleMap) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Produces a new vector with its coordinates passed through the given ScaleMap.
getMapped(ScaleMap) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Produces a new vector with all of its coordinates passed through the given ScaleMap.
getMapped(ScaleMap) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getMapped(ScaleMap) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getMapped(ScaleMap) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getMappedFieldCount() - Method in class
getMappedMedian() - Method in class toxi.math.ScaleMap
getMappedPointInRect(Vec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
Computes the normalized position of the given point within this rectangle, so that a point at the top-left corner becomes {0,0} and bottom-right {1,1}.
getMappedValueFor(double) - Method in class toxi.math.ScaleMap
Computes mapped value in the target interval.
getMappedXYZ(ScaleMap) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Produces a new vector with only its XYZ coordinates passed through the given ScaleMap.
getMappedXYZ(ScaleMap) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getMapper() - Method in class
getMatrix() - Method in class toxi.geom.Quaternion
getMatrix() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAMatrix
getMatrix() - Method in interface toxi.sim.automata.EvolvableMatrix
getMax() - Method in class toxi.geom.AABB
getMaxDither() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorGradient
getMaxPacketSize() - Method in class
getMedian() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.DoubleRange
getMedian() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.FloatRange
getMedian() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.IntegerRange
getMesh() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.VertexSelector
Returns the associated mesh for this selector.
getMeshAsVertexArray() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
Creates an array of unravelled vertex coordinates for all faces using a stride setting of 4, resulting in a serialized version of all mesh vertex coordinates suitable for VBOs.
getMeshAsVertexArray(float[], int, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
Creates an array of unravelled vertex coordinates for all faces.
getMidPoint() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D
getMidPoint() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line3D
getMin() - Method in class toxi.geom.AABB
getMinNodeSize() - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
Returns the minimum size of nodes (in world units).
getN() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Return the nu
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorRange
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorTheme
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.Hue
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.theory.AnalogousStrategy
getName() - Method in interface toxi.color.theory.ColorTheoryStrategy
Returns the unique name of the strategy.
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.theory.ComplementaryStrategy
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.theory.CompoundTheoryStrategy
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.theory.LeftSplitComplementaryStrategy
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.theory.MonochromeTheoryStrategy
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.theory.RightSplitComplementaryStrategy
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.theory.SingleComplementStrategy
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.theory.SplitComplementaryStrategy
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.theory.TetradTheoryStrategy
getName() - Method in class toxi.color.theory.TriadTheoryStrategy
getName() - Method in class
getNames() - Static method in class toxi.color.NamedColor
Returns the names of all defined colors.
getNeighborInDirection(ReadonlyVec3D, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WEVertex
getNeighbors() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WEVertex
getNeighborsForVertexID(int, List<Vec3D>) - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getNextDirection() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLASegment
getNextVoice() - Method in class
Attempts to find an available, currently unused AudioSource instance which can then be configured and played by the client application.
getNodes() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.UndirectedGraph
Returns an unmodifiable Set view of the nodes contained in this graph.
getNodeSize() - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
getNormal() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D
getNormal() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line3D
getNormalForPoint(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.AABB
getNormalized() - Method in class toxi.geom.Quaternion
Computes normalized version of this quaternion.
getNormalized() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Produces the normalized version as a new vector
getNormalized() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Produces the normalized version as a new vector.
getNormalized() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Produces the normalized version as a new vector.
getNormalized() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getNormalized() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getNormalized() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getNormalizedTo(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Produces a new vector normalized to the given length.
getNormalizedTo(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Produces a new vector normalized to the given length.
getNormalizedTo(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Produces a new vector normalized to the given length.
getNormalizedTo(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getNormalizedTo(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getNormalizedTo(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getNormalsForUniqueVerticesAsArray() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getNumActiveSegments() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
getNumberOfSegments() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
getNumBits() - Method in enum
getNumChannels() - Method in enum
getNumChannels() - Method in class
Get the number of channels of the data (1-Mono, 2-Stereo)
getNumChildren() - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
getNumClients() - Method in class
getNumCol() - Method in class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Returns the number of colmuns in this matrix.
getNumEdges() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
getNumFaces() - Method in interface toxi.geom.mesh.Mesh3D
Returns the number of triangles used.
getNumFaces() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getNumFaces() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getNumIterations() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
getNumIterations() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
getNumIterations() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
getNumParticles() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.ParticleString2D
Returns number of particles of the string.
getNumParticles() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.ParticleString3D
Returns number of particles of the string.
getNumParticles() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
getNumPoints() - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
getNumPoints() - Method in class toxi.geom.Spline2D
Returns the number of control points.
getNumPoints() - Method in class toxi.geom.Spline3D
Returns the number of key points.
getNumRow() - Method in class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Returns the number of rows in this matrix.
getNumRuleBits() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAWolfram1D
getNumVertices() - Method in interface toxi.geom.mesh.Mesh3D
Returns the number of actual vertices used (unique vertices).
getNumVertices() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getNumVertices() - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Returns the number of polygon vertices.
getNumVertices() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getOffset() - Method in class
getOffset() - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
getOrientation() - Method in class
getOtherEndFor(WEVertex) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WingedEdge
getOutputMedian() - Method in class toxi.math.ScaleMap
getOutputRange() - Method in class toxi.math.ScaleMap
getPalette() - Method in class toxi.color.Histogram
Returns the list of source colors
getParent() - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
getParticleOctree() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
getParticleRadius() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getParticles() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
getParticleSpeed() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getPathForIndex(int) - Method in class toxi.util.FileSequenceDescriptor
Constructs the file path for the given absolute index
getPeriod() - Method in class toxi.math.SinCosLUT
getPerpendicular() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
getPerpendicular() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getPhiRange() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SphereFunction
getPhiRange() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SphericalHarmonics
getPhiRange() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SuperEllipsoid
getPhiRange() - Method in interface toxi.geom.mesh.SurfaceFunction
getPhiResolutionLimit(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SphereFunction
getPhiResolutionLimit(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SphericalHarmonics
getPhiResolutionLimit(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SuperEllipsoid
getPhiResolutionLimit(int) - Method in interface toxi.geom.mesh.SurfaceFunction
getPitchForScaleTone(int) - Method in class
getPitchForScaleTone(int, int, int) - Method in class
getPitchForSemitone(int) - Method in class
getPlane() - Method in class toxi.geom.PlaneIntersector
getPoint() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAGuideLines
getPointAt(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip2D
Computes point at position t, where t is the normalized position along the strip.
getPointAtDistance(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Ray2D
getPointAtDistance(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Ray3D
Returns the point at the given distance on the ray.
getPointList() - Method in class toxi.geom.Spline2D
getPointList() - Method in class toxi.geom.Spline3D
getPoints() - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
getPointsWithinBox(AABB) - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
Selects all stored points within the given axis-aligned bounding box.
getPointsWithinSphere(Sphere) - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
Selects all stored points within the given sphere volume
getPointsWithinSphere(Vec3D, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
Selects all stored points within the given sphere volume
getPolar() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Converts the current vector into polar coordinates.
getPolar() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getPolygon() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.constraints.PolygonConstraint
getPos() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D.LineIntersection
Returns copy of intersection point.
getPosition() - Method in class
getPosition() - Method in class
getPosition() - Method in class toxi.geom.AxisAlignedCylinder
Returns the cylinder's position (centroid).
getPrecision() - Method in class toxi.math.SinCosLUT
getPresetForName(String) - Static method in class toxi.color.ColorRange
Retrieves one of the predefined ranges by name.
getPreviousPosition() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
Returns the particle's position at the most recent time step.
getPreviousPosition() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletParticle3D
Returns the particle's position at the most recent time step.
getProgress() - Method in class toxi.image.util.TiledFrameExporter
getProjectedPoint(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Plane
getRadii() - Method in class toxi.geom.Ellipse
getRadius() - Method in class toxi.geom.AxisAlignedCylinder
getRadius() - Method in class toxi.geom.Circle
getRadius() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.behaviors.AttractionBehavior2D
getRadius() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.behaviors.AttractionBehavior3D
getRadiusForEdgeLength(float, int) - Static method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Computes the radius of the circle the regular polygon with the desired edge length is inscribed in
getRandom() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorList
getRandom() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.WeightedRandomSet
Returns a randomly picked element from the set.
getRandomPoint() - Method in class toxi.geom.Ellipse
Creates a random point within the ellipse using a BiasedFloatRange to create a more uniform distribution.
getRandomPoint() - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Creates a random point within the polygon.
getRandomPoint() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
Creates a random point within the rectangle.
getRandomPoint() - Method in interface toxi.geom.Shape2D
Computes a random point within the shape's perimeter.
getRandomPoint() - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle2D
Creates a random point within the triangle using barycentric coordinates.
getRange() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.DoubleRange
getRange() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.FloatRange
getRange() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.IntegerRange
getReciprocal() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
getReciprocal() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Returns a multiplicative inverse copy of the vector.
getReciprocal() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getReciprocal() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getReflected(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
getReflected(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getReflected(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
getReflected(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getReflectedRayPointAtDistance(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.Reflector3D
Returns the point on the reflected ray at given distance from the intersection point
getReflectedRayPointAtDistance(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.SphereIntersectorReflector
getReflectionAngle() - Method in interface toxi.geom.Reflector3D
getReflectionAngle() - Method in class toxi.geom.SphereIntersectorReflector
getRegions() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.Voronoi
getRegisteredNames() - Static method in class toxi.color.theory.ColorTheoryRegistry
getRegisteredStrategies() - Static method in class toxi.color.theory.ColorTheoryRegistry
getRegistry() - Static method in class toxi.util.datatypes.SingletonRegistry
Alternative, more conventional accessor to the singleton instance of the registry itself.
getRelatedFaces() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WEVertex
Returns a list of all faces this vertex belongs to.
getResolution() - Method in class toxi.geom.GridTesselator
getResolution() - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpace
getRestitution() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.constraints.BoxConstraint
getRestLength() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletSpring2D
getRestLength() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletSpring3D
getReverse() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorList
Returns a reversed copy of the current list.
getRGBForNormal(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.processing.DeltaOrientationMapper
getRGBForNormal(Vec3D) - Method in interface toxi.processing.NormalMapper
getRGBForNormal(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.processing.XYZNormalMapper
getRight() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
getRotated(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Creates a new vector rotated by the given angle around the Z axis.
getRotated(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getRotatedAroundAxis(ReadonlyVec3D, double) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4x4
getRotatedAroundAxis(ReadonlyVec3D, float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Gets the rotated around axis.
getRotatedAroundAxis(ReadonlyVec3D, float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Gets the rotated around axis.
getRotatedAroundAxis(ReadonlyVec3D, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getRotatedAroundAxis(ReadonlyVec3D, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getRotatedAroundAxis(Vec3D, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getRotatedAroundAxis(Vec3D, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
getRotatedRYB(float) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getRotatedRYB(float) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getRotatedRYB(int) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getRotatedRYB(int) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getRotatedX(double) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4x4
getRotatedX(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getRotatedX(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
getRotatedX(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Creates a new vector rotated by the given angle around the X axis.
getRotatedX(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Creates a new vector rotated by the given angle around the X axis.
getRotatedX(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getRotatedX(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getRotatedY(double) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4x4
getRotatedY(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getRotatedY(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
getRotatedY(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Creates a new vector rotated by the given angle around the Y axis.
getRotatedY(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Creates a new vector rotated by the given angle around the Y axis.
getRotatedY(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getRotatedY(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getRotatedZ(double) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4x4
getRotatedZ(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getRotatedZ(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
getRotatedZ(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Creates a new vector rotated by the given angle around the Z axis.
getRotatedZ(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Creates a new vector rotated by the given angle around the Z axis.
getRotatedZ(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getRotatedZ(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getRotationScale(Matrix3d) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Gets the upper 3x3 values of this matrix and places them into the matrix m1.
getRoundedTo(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Creates a new vector with its coordinates rounded to the given precision (grid alignment).
getRoundedTo(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Creates a new vector with its coordinates rounded to the given precision (grid alignment).
getRoundedTo(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getRoundedTo(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getRoundedXYZTo(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Creates a new vector with its XYZ coordinates rounded to the given precision (grid alignment).
getRoundedXYZTo(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Places the values of the specified row into the array parameter.
getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix3d
Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the array parameter.
getRow(int, float[]) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the array parameter.
getRow(int, GVector) - Method in class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Places the values of the specified row into the vector parameter.
getRow(int, Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix3d
Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the vector parameter.
getRow(int, Vec4D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the vector parameter.
getRule() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAMatrix
getRuleArray() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAWolfram1D
getRuleAsBigInt() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAWolfram1D
getSamples() - Method in class toxi.math.NonLinearScaleMap
getSamples() - Method in class toxi.test.math.NonLinearScaleMap
getSampleSize() - Method in class
Gets the size (in samples) of the raw data contained in this buffer.
getSaturated(float) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
getSaturated(float) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
getScale() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix3d
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix to calculate and return the uniform scale factor.
getScale() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix to calculate and return the uniform scale factor.
getScale() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.Terrain
getScale() - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpace
getScaled(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getScaled(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
getScaled(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getScaled(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
getSearchSpeed() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getSegments() - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip2D
getSegments() - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip3D
getSelection() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.VertexSelector
Returns the actual collection of selected vertices
getSharpness() - Method in class toxi.math.SigmoidInterpolation
getSignum() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Creates a new vector in which all components are replaced with the signum of their original values.
getSignum() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Creates a new vector in which all components are replaced with the signum of their original values.
getSignum() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
getSignum() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getSinLUT() - Method in class toxi.math.SinCosLUT
getSites() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.Voronoi
getSize() - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
getSnapDistance() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getSnapDistanceSquared() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getSpawnRadius() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getSphere() - Method in class toxi.geom.SphereIntersectorReflector
getSpherical() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Converts the vector into spherical coordinates.
getSpherical() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
getSpring(Vec2D, Vec2D) - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
Attempts to find the spring element between the 2 particles supplied
getSpring(Vec3D, Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
Attempts to find the spring element between the 2 particles supplied
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedDoubleRange
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedFloatRange
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedIntegerRange
getStartIndex() - Method in class toxi.util.FileSequenceDescriptor
Returns the index of the first file of the sequence.
getStateCount() - Method in interface toxi.sim.automata.CARule
getStateCount() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CARule2D
getStateCount() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAWolfram1D
getStickiness() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
getStrategyForName(String) - Static method in class toxi.color.theory.ColorTheoryRegistry
getStrength() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.behaviors.AttractionBehavior2D
getStrength() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletSpring2D
getStrength() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.behaviors.AttractionBehavior3D
getStrength() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletSpring3D
getStride() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.MeshAttributeCompiler
getStride() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.MeshFaceNormalCompiler
getStride() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.MeshUVCompiler
getStride() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.MeshVertexColorCompiler
getStride() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.MeshVertexCompiler
getStride() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.MeshVertexNormalCompiler
getStringArray(String) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
getStringArray(String, String[]) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
getSum(ColorRange) - Method in class toxi.color.ColorRange
Creates a copy of the current range and adds the given one to it.
getSurface() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsMeshCreator
getSurvivalRules() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CARule2D
getSwapBuffer() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAMatrix
getSwapBuffer() - Method in interface toxi.sim.automata.EvolvableMatrix
getSyncPayload() - Method in interface
Gives the listener a chance to add extra data to the payload packet distributed to each client.
getSyncPayload() - Method in class
getTail() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.ParticleString2D
Returns last particle of the string.
getTail() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.ParticleString3D
Returns last particle of the string.
getTangentPoints(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Circle
getTargetTempo() - Method in class
getTempo() - Method in class
getTempoChangeSpeed() - Method in class
getTheta() - Method in class toxi.sim.erosion.TalusAngleErosion
getThetaRange() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SphereFunction
getThetaRange() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SphericalHarmonics
getThetaRange() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SuperEllipsoid
getThetaRange() - Method in interface toxi.geom.mesh.SurfaceFunction
getThetaResolutionLimit(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SphereFunction
getThetaResolutionLimit(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SphericalHarmonics
getThetaResolutionLimit(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.SuperEllipsoid
getThetaResolutionLimit(int) - Method in interface toxi.geom.mesh.SurfaceFunction
getTicks() - Method in class
getTicksPerBar() - Method in class
getTicksPerBeat() - Method in class
getTightness() - Method in class toxi.geom.Spline2D
getTightness() - Method in class toxi.geom.Spline3D
getTimeStep() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
getTimeStep() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
getTimeStep() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
getTitlePlain() - Method in class
getToneFor(float) - Method in class toxi.color.ToneMap
getToneMappedArray(float[], int[]) - Method in class toxi.color.ToneMap
Applies the tonemap to all elements in the given source array of single precision values and places the resulting ARGB color in the corresponding index of the target pixel buffer.
getToneMappedArray(float[], int[], int) - Method in class toxi.color.ToneMap
getToneMappedArray(int[], int[]) - Method in class toxi.color.ToneMap
Applies the tonemap to all elements in the given source array of integers and places the resulting ARGB color in the corresponding index of the target pixel buffer.
getToneMappedArray(int[], int[], int) - Method in class toxi.color.ToneMap
getTop() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
getTopLeft() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
getTopRight() - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
getTotalHeight() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
getTotalWidth() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
getTranslated(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getTranslated(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
getTransposed() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4x4
getTriangle() - Method in class toxi.geom.TriangleIntersector
getTriangles() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.Voronoi
getType() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D.LineIntersection
Returns intersection type enum.
getType() - Method in class toxi.geom.Line3D.LineIntersection
getUDegree() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
getUDegree() - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Get the degree in u direction
getUKnots() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
getUKnots() - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Get the knot values in u direction
getUKnotVector() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
getUKnotVector() - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
getUniqueVerticesAsArray() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getUnmappedPointInRect(Vec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
Inverse operation of Rect.getMappedPointInRect(Vec2D).
getUnweighted() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
getUnweighted() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getUsage() - Method in class
Produces an array of status flags of used voices.
getUVScale() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsMeshCreator
getVDegree() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
getVDegree() - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Get the degree in v direction
getVector() - Method in enum toxi.geom.Vec2D.Axis
getVector() - Method in enum toxi.geom.Vec3D.Axis
getVelocity() - Method in class
getVelocity() - Method in class
getVelocity() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
getVelocity() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletParticle3D
getVelocityFieldU() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
getVelocityFieldV() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
getVertexArray() - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle2D
getVertexArray() - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle3D
getVertexArray(Vec2D[], int) - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle2D
getVertexArray(Vec3D[], int) - Method in class toxi.geom.Triangle3D
getVertexAtPoint(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getVertexAtPoint(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
getVertexButNot(DelaunayVertex...) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayTriangle
Get arbitrary vertex of this triangle, but not any of the bad vertices.
getVertexDelta() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getVertexForID(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getVertexForID(int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
getVertexNormalsAsArray() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
Creates an array of unravelled vertex normal coordinates for all faces.
getVertexNormalsAsArray(float[], int, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
Creates an array of unravelled vertex normal coordinates for all faces.
getVertices() - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip2D
getVertices() - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip3D
getVertices() - Method in interface toxi.geom.mesh.Mesh3D
getVertices() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
getVertices() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getVertices(Vertex[]) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.Face
getVertices(WEVertex[]) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WEFace
getVerticesForIDs(List<Vec3D>, int...) - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
getViscosity() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
getVKnots() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
getVKnots() - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Get the knot values in v direction
getVKnotVector() - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
getVKnotVector() - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
getVolume() - Method in class toxi.volume.MeshLatticeBuilder
getVolume() - Method in class toxi.volume.MeshVoxelizer
getVoxelAt(int) - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricHashMap
getVoxelAt(int) - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpace
getVoxelAt(int) - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpaceArray
getVoxelAt(int, int, int) - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricHashMap
getVoxelAt(int, int, int) - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpaceArray
getWallThickness() - Method in class toxi.volume.MeshVoxelizer
getWeight() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
getWeight() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletParticle3D
getWeighted() - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
getWeighted() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
getWidth() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.Terrain
getWidth() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAMatrix
getWidth() - Method in interface toxi.sim.automata.EvolvableMatrix
getWorldBounds() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
getWorldBounds() - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
GHOSTWHITE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
globalCurveInterpolation(Vec3D[], int) - Static method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsCreator
Interpolates a NurbCurve form the given Points using a global interpolation technique.
GlobalGridTesselator - Class in toxi.geom
A concrete implementation of the abstract GridTesselator using a grid in global coordinate space for generating additional points within a polygon.
GlobalGridTesselator(float) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GlobalGridTesselator
globalSurfaceInterpolation(Vec3D[][], int, int) - Static method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsCreator
Interpolates a NurbsSurface from the given points using a gloabl interpolation technique.
GMatrix - Class in toxi.geom
A double precision, row major, general and dynamically-resizable, two-dimensional matrix class.
GMatrix(int, int) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Constructs an nRow by NCol identity matrix.
GMatrix(int, int, double[]) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Constructs an nRow by nCol matrix initialized to the values in the matrix array.
GMatrix(GMatrix) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Constructs a new GMatrix and copies the initial values from the parameter matrix.
GMT - Static variable in class toxi.util.DateUtils
GOLD - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
GOLDENROD - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
GravityBehavior2D - Class in toxi.physics2d.behaviors
GravityBehavior2D(Vec2D) - Constructor for class toxi.physics2d.behaviors.GravityBehavior2D
GravityBehavior2D(Vec2D, float) - Constructor for class toxi.physics2d.behaviors.GravityBehavior2D
GravityBehavior3D - Class in toxi.physics3d.behaviors
GravityBehavior3D(Vec3D) - Constructor for class toxi.physics3d.behaviors.GravityBehavior3D
GravityBehavior3D(Vec3D, float) - Constructor for class toxi.physics3d.behaviors.GravityBehavior3D
GRAY - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
GrayScott - Class in toxi.sim.grayscott
Implementation of the Gray-Scott reaction diffusion model described in detail on the links below:
GrayScott(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class toxi.sim.grayscott.GrayScott
green() - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
green() - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
GREEN - Static variable in class toxi.color.AccessCriteria
GREEN - Static variable in class toxi.color.Hue
GREEN - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
GREEN - Static variable in class toxi.color.TColor
GREENYELLOW - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
GREY - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
GREY_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class toxi.color.TColor
Maximum saturations value for a color to be classified as grey
GridTesselator - Class in toxi.geom
This is an implementation of the PolygonTesselator interface and abstract parent class for tesselating 2D polygons using a grid of additional points created within the polygon.
GridTesselator(float) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GridTesselator
Creates a new instance with the given grid resolution.
GridTesselator(float, float) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GridTesselator
Creates a new instance with the given grid resolution.
growToContainPoint(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Rect
growToContainPoint(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.AABB
Adjusts the box size and position such that it includes the given point.
guid - Variable in class
GVector - Class in toxi.geom
A double precision, general, dynamically-resizable, one-dimensional vector class.
GVector(double[]) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GVector
Constructs a new GVector from the specified array elements.
GVector(double[], int) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GVector
Constructs a new GVector of the specified length and initializes it by copying the specified number of elements from the specified array.
GVector(int) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GVector
Constructs a new GVector of the specified length with all vector elements initialized to 0.
GVector(GVector) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GVector
Constructs a new GVector from the specified vector.
GVector(ReadonlyVec2D) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GVector
Constructs a new GVector and copies the initial values from the specified tuple.
GVector(ReadonlyVec3D) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GVector
Constructs a new GVector and copies the initial values from the specified tuple.
GVector(ReadonlyVec4D) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.GVector
Constructs a new GVector and copies the initial values from the specified tuple.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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