All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- RAD2DEG - Static variable in class toxi.math.MathUtils
Radians to degrees conversion factor
- RadialDistanceOrder - Class in toxi.sim.dla
This comparator sorts segments based on their mid-point's distance to a given origin point.
- RadialDistanceOrder() - Constructor for class toxi.sim.dla.RadialDistanceOrder
- RadialDistanceOrder(Vec3D, boolean) - Constructor for class toxi.sim.dla.RadialDistanceOrder
- radians(double) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- radians(float) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- radiansToHertz(float, float) - Static method in class toxi.math.waves.AbstractWave
Converts a frequency from radians to Hertz.
- radius - Variable in class toxi.geom.Sphere
- radiusNorth - Variable in class toxi.geom.Cone
- radiusSouth - Variable in class toxi.geom.Cone
- random(float) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- random(float, float) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- random(int) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- random(int, int) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- random(Random, double) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- random(Random, double, double) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- random(Random, float) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- random(Random, float, float) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- random(Random, int) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- random(Random, int, int) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- randomChance(double) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- randomChance(float) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- randomChance(Random, double) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- randomChance(Random, float) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- randomize() - Method in interface toxi.sim.automata.CARule
- randomize() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CARule2D
- randomize() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAWolfram1D
- randomVector() - Static method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
Static factory method.
- randomVector() - Static method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
Static factory method.
- randomVector(Random) - Static method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
Static factory method.
- randomVector(Random) - Static method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
Static factory method.
- RangeTest - Class in toxi.test
- RangeTest() - Constructor for class toxi.test.RangeTest
- ray - Variable in class toxi.geom.Ray3DIntersector
- ray(Ray2D, float) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
- ray(Ray3D, float) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
- Ray2D - Class in toxi.geom
A simple 2D ray datatype
- Ray2D() - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Ray2D
- Ray2D(float, float, ReadonlyVec2D) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Ray2D
- Ray2D(ReadonlyVec2D, ReadonlyVec2D) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Ray2D
- Ray3D - Class in toxi.geom
A simple 3D ray datatype
- Ray3D() - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Ray3D
- Ray3D(float, float, float, ReadonlyVec3D) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Ray3D
- Ray3D(ReadonlyVec3D, ReadonlyVec3D) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Ray3D
- Ray3DIntersector - Class in toxi.geom
- Ray3DIntersector(Ray3D) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Ray3DIntersector
- read() - Method in class
- read(byte[]) - Method in class
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- ReadonlyTColor - Interface in toxi.color
Defines an immutable API for the TColor class.
- ReadonlyVec2D - Interface in toxi.geom
Readonly, immutable interface wrapper for Vec2D instances.
- ReadonlyVec3D - Interface in toxi.geom
Readonly, immutable interface wrapper for Vec3D instances.
- ReadonlyVec4D - Interface in toxi.geom
Readonly, immutable interface wrapper for Vec3D instances.
- rebuildIndex() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
- rebuildVertexIndex() - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
- receive() - Method in class com.toxi.nio.UDPClient
- reciprocal() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
- reciprocal() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
Replaces the vector components with their multiplicative inverse.
- rect(Rect) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
- Rect - Class in toxi.geom
- Rect() - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Rect
Constructs an empty rectangle at point 0,0 with no dimensions.
- Rect(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Rect
Constructs a new rectangle using a point and dimensions
- Rect(ReadonlyVec2D, ReadonlyVec2D) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Rect
Constructs a new rectangle defined by the two points given.
- RectConstraint - Class in toxi.physics2d.constraints
- RectConstraint(Rect) - Constructor for class toxi.physics2d.constraints.RectConstraint
- RectConstraint(Rect, boolean) - Constructor for class toxi.physics2d.constraints.RectConstraint
- RectConstraint(Vec2D, Vec2D) - Constructor for class toxi.physics2d.constraints.RectConstraint
- RectTest - Class in toxi.test.geom
- RectTest() - Constructor for class toxi.test.geom.RectTest
- red() - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
- red() - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
- RED - Static variable in class toxi.color.AccessCriteria
- RED - Static variable in class toxi.color.Hue
- RED - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
- RED - Static variable in class toxi.color.TColor
- reduceAngle(double) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
- reduceAngle(float) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
Reduces the given angle into the -PI/4 ...
- reduceVertices(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Reduces the number of vertices in the polygon based on the given minimum edge length.
- reflect(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
- reflect(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
- Reflector3D - Interface in toxi.geom
Generic interface for ray reflection with 3D geometry
- reflectRay(Ray3D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.Reflector3D
Reflects given ray on the entity's surface
- reflectRay(Ray3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.SphereIntersectorReflector
- registerImplementation(ColorTheoryStrategy) - Static method in class toxi.color.theory.ColorTheoryRegistry
- REGISTRY - Static variable in class toxi.util.datatypes.SingletonRegistry
The singleton instance of the registry itself.
- reindex(Vec2D, Vec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.PointQuadtree
- reindex(T, T) - Method in class toxi.geom.SpatialBins
- reindex(T, T) - Method in interface toxi.geom.SpatialIndex
- reindex(T, T) - Method in interface toxi.util.datatypes.ItemIndex
- reindex(T, T) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.UniqueItemIndex
- rel - Variable in class
- relation(DelaunayVertex[]) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayVertex
Relation between this DelaunayVertex and a simplex (represented as an array of Pnts).
- remove() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WingedEdge
- remove(N) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.UndirectedGraph
Remove node and any links that use node.
- remove(T) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.WeightedRandomSet
Removes the given item from the set.
- remove(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
Removes a point from the tree and (optionally) tries to release memory by reducing now empty sub-branches.
- removeAll(Collection<Vec3D>) - Method in class toxi.geom.PointOctree
- removeAllBehaviors() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
- removeAllConstraints() - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
Removes any currently applied constraints from this particle.
- removeBehavior(ParticleBehavior2D) - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
- removeBehavior(ParticleBehavior2D) - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
- removeBehavior(ParticleBehavior3D) - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletParticle3D
- removeBehavior(ParticleBehavior3D) - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
- removeBehaviors(Collection<ParticleBehavior2D>) - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
- removeConstraint(ParticleConstraint2D) - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
Attempts to remove the given constraint instance from the list of active constraints.
- removeConstraint(ParticleConstraint2D) - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
- removeConstraint(ParticleConstraint3D) - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletParticle3D
Attempts to remove the given constraint instance from the list of active constraints.
- removeConstraint(ParticleConstraint3D) - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
- removeConstraintFromAll(ParticleConstraint2D, List<VerletParticle2D>) - Static method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
- removeConstraintFromAll(ParticleConstraint3D, List<VerletParticle3D>) - Static method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
- removeConstraints(Collection<ParticleConstraint2D>) - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
- removeDuplicates(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Removes duplicate vertices from the polygon.
- removeEdge(WingedEdge) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WEVertex
- removeFace(Face) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
- removeFace(Face) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
- removeFace(AttributedFace) - Method in class toxi.newmesh.IndexedTriangleMesh
- removeListener(T) - Method in class
- removeListener(DLAEventListener) - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
- removeParticle(VerletParticle2D) - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
Removes a particle from the simulation.
- removeParticle(VerletParticle3D) - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
Removes a particle from the simulation.
- removePoint(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.PointCloud3D
Removes the point from the cloud, but doesn't update the bounds automatically.
- removeSpring(VerletSpring2D) - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
Removes a spring connector from the simulation instance.
- removeSpring(VerletSpring3D) - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
Removes a spring connector from the simulation instance.
- removeSpringElements(VerletSpring2D) - Method in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
Removes a spring connector and its both end point particles from the simulation
- removeSpringElements(VerletSpring3D) - Method in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
Removes a spring connector and its both end point particles from the simulation
- removeUnusedVertices() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
- removeVertices(Collection<Vertex>) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
- reorientate() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAParticle
- ReplaceBrush - Class in toxi.volume
- ReplaceBrush() - Constructor for class toxi.volume.ReplaceBrush
- reset() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.AbstractWave
Resets the wave phase to the last set phase value (via
. - reset() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.AMFMSineWave
Resets this wave and its modulating waves as well.
- reset() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMHarmonicSquareWave
Resets this wave and its modulating wave as well.
- reset() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMSawtoothWave
Resets this wave and its modulating wave as well.
- reset() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMSineWave
Resets this wave and its modulating wave as well.
- reset() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMSquareWave
Resets this wave and its modulating wave as well.
- reset() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMTriangleWave
Resets this wave and its modulating wave as well.
- reset() - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAMatrix
Clears the matrix and resets the generation counter.
- reset() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
- reset() - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAGuideLines
- reset() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
Reset the datastructures.
- reset() - Method in class toxi.sim.grayscott.GrayScott
Resets the simulation matrix to an initial, clean state.
- reset() - Method in class toxi.volume.ArrayIsoSurface
Resets mesh vertices to default positions and clears face index.
- reset() - Method in class toxi.volume.HashIsoSurface
Resets mesh vertices to default positions and clears face index.
- reset() - Method in interface toxi.volume.IsoSurface
Resets mesh vertices to default positions and clears face index.
- resolution - Variable in class toxi.geom.BernsteinPolynomial
- resX - Variable in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpace
- resX1 - Variable in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpace
- resY - Variable in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpace
- resY1 - Variable in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpace
- resZ - Variable in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpace
- resZ1 - Variable in class toxi.volume.VolumetricSpace
- reverse() - Method in class toxi.color.ColorList
Reverses the current order of the list.
- reverse(byte[]) - Static method in class toxi.util.datatypes.ArrayUtil
Reverses the item order of the supplied byte array.
- reverse(char[]) - Static method in class toxi.util.datatypes.ArrayUtil
Reverses the item order of the supplied char array.
- reverse(float[]) - Static method in class toxi.util.datatypes.ArrayUtil
Reverses the item order of the supplied float array.
- reverse(int[]) - Static method in class toxi.util.datatypes.ArrayUtil
Reverses the item order of the supplied int array.
- reverse(short[]) - Static method in class toxi.util.datatypes.ArrayUtil
Reverses the item order of the supplied short array.
- reverse(T[]) - Static method in class toxi.util.datatypes.ArrayUtil
Reverses the item order of the supplied array (generic types).
- rewind() - Method in class
- RFC822_FORMATS - Static variable in class
- Rfc822DateAdapter - Class in
- Rfc822DateAdapter() - Constructor for class
- RGBAccessor - Class in toxi.color
Compares 2 colors by one of their RGB component values.
- RGBAccessor(int) - Constructor for class toxi.color.RGBAccessor
- RGBDistanceProxy - Class in toxi.color
Implements the
interface to sort colors by RGB distance (used byColorList.sortByDistance(DistanceProxy, boolean)
). - RGBDistanceProxy() - Constructor for class toxi.color.RGBDistanceProxy
- rgbToCMYK(float, float, float) - Static method in class toxi.color.TColor
Converts the RGB values into a CMYK array.
- rgbToCMYK(float, float, float, float[]) - Static method in class toxi.color.TColor
- rgbToHex(float, float, float) - Static method in class toxi.color.TColor
Formats the RGB float values into hex integers.
- rgbToHSV(float, float, float) - Static method in class toxi.color.TColor
Converts the RGB values into an HSV array.
- rgbToHSV(float, float, float, float[]) - Static method in class toxi.color.TColor
- RIGHT_SPLIT_COMPLEMENTARY - Static variable in class toxi.color.theory.ColorTheoryRegistry
- RightSplitComplementaryStrategy - Class in toxi.color.theory
- RightSplitComplementaryStrategy() - Constructor for class toxi.color.theory.RightSplitComplementaryStrategy
- RND - Static variable in class toxi.math.MathUtils
Default random number generator used by random methods of this class which don't use a passed in
instance. - rootPos - Variable in class toxi.physics2d.constraints.AngularConstraint
- ROSYBROWN - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
- rotate(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.LineStrip2D
- rotate(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
- rotate(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
Rotates the vector by the given angle around the Z axis.
- rotate(float, ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
- rotateAroundAxis(ReadonlyVec3D, double) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4x4
Applies rotation about arbitrary axis to matrix
- rotateAroundAxis(ReadonlyVec3D, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
Rotates the vector around the giving axis.
- rotateAroundAxis(ReadonlyVec3D, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
Rotates the vector around the giving axis.
- rotateAroundAxis(Vec3D, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
- rotateAroundAxis(Vec3D, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
- rotateRYB(float) - Method in class toxi.color.ColorList
Rotates the hues of all colors in the list by the given amount.
- rotateRYB(float) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
- rotateRYB(int) - Method in class toxi.color.ColorList
Rotates the hues of all colors in the list by the given amount.
- rotateRYB(int) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
Rotates the color by x degrees along the RYB color wheel
- rotateX(double) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4x4
Applies rotation about X to this matrix.
- rotateX(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
- rotateX(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
- rotateX(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
Rotates the vector by the given angle around the X axis.
- rotateX(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
Rotates the vector by the given angle around the X axis.
- rotateY(double) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4x4
Applies rotation about Y to this matrix.
- rotateY(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
- rotateY(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
- rotateY(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
Rotates the vector by the given angle around the Y axis.
- rotateY(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
Rotates the vector by the given angle around the Y axis.
- rotateZ(double) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4x4
- rotateZ(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
- rotateZ(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
- rotateZ(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
Rotates the vector by the given angle around the Z axis.
- rotateZ(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
Rotates the vector by the given angle around the Z axis.
- rotX(double) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to a counter clockwise rotation about the x axis.
- rotX(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to a counter clockwise rotation about the x axis.
- rotY(double) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to a counter clockwise rotation about the y axis.
- rotY(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to a counter clockwise rotation about the y axis.
- rotZ(double) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to a counter clockwise rotation about the z axis.
- rotZ(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to a counter clockwise rotation about the z axis.
- RoundBrush - Class in toxi.volume
- RoundBrush(VolumetricSpace, float) - Constructor for class toxi.volume.RoundBrush
Creates a new spherical brush to work on the given volume.
- roundTo(double, double) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
Rounds a double precision value to the given precision.
- roundTo(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
- roundTo(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
- roundTo(float, float) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
Rounds a single precision value to the given precision.
- roundTo(int, int) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
Rounds an integer value to the given precision.
- roundXYZTo(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
- ROYALBLUE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
- RSSChannel - Class in
- RSSChannel() - Constructor for class
- RSSEnclosure - Class in
- RSSEnclosure() - Constructor for class
- RSSFeed - Class in
- RSSFeed() - Constructor for class
- RSSItem - Class in
- RSSItem() - Constructor for class
- RSSTest - Class in
- RSSTest() - Constructor for class
- run() - Method in class
Main server loop/state machine.
- run() - Method in class com.toxi.nio.UDPServer
- run() - Method in class
- run() - Method in class
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form