All Classes and Interfaces

Axis-aligned bounding box with basic intersection features for Ray, AABB and Sphere classes.
Abstract wave oscillator type which needs to be subclassed to implement different waveforms.
Defines standard color component access criterias and associated comparators used to sort colors based on component values.
Compares 2 colors by their alpha value.
Amplitude and frequency modulated sine wave.
Creates a new palette of 4 similar (slightly paler) colors in addition to the given start color.
IsoSurface class based on C version by Paul Bourke and Lingo version by myself.
An ArrayList implementation of Set.
A collection of array utilities.
Line2DRenderModifier implementation to draw a line with arrow heads (or alternatively ONLY draw the heads).
Arrow head type.
A wrapper for the actual sample data byte buffer in memory.
Format descriptor
A wrapper for AudioBuffers and similar to the built in JOAL, though less restrictive.
An immutable origin + axis in 3D-Space.
Constrains a particle's movement by locking a given axis to a fixed value.
Constrains a particle's movement by locking a given axis to a fixed value.
A Basic implementation of a NurbsCurve.
A Basic NurbsSurface implementation.
Helper class for the spline3d classes in this package.
Standard multi-segment bezier curve implementation with optional automatic handle alignment between segments.
Standard multi-segment bezier curve implementation with optional automatic handle alignment between segments.
Bezier curve interpolation with configurable coefficients.
4x4 bezier patch implementation with tesselation support (dynamic resolution) for generating triangle mesh representations.
This comparator sorts segments based on their midpoint's Y position.
A VertexSelector implementation for selecting vertices within a given AABB.
A 1D/2D Cellular Automata simulation matrix with flexible support of automata rules.
This interface defines the required API for a CAMatrix compatible cellular automata rule implementation.
An extended & customized implementation of 1D Wolfram automata, fully compatible with the classic definition, yet supporting flexible kernel sizes/rule systems and n-ary cell states.
This class overrides Ellipse to define a 2D circle and provides several utility methods for it, including factory methods to construct circles from points.
This class handles Circle-Ray2D intersections by implementing the Intersector2D interface.
Implementation of the circular interpolation function.
Compares 2 colors by one of their CMYK component values.
Implements the DistanceProxy interface to sort colors by CMYK distance (used by ColorList.sortByDistance(DistanceProxy, boolean)).
This class can be used to calculate multi-color gradients with colors positioned along an imaginary axis.
A container class of concrete colors.
A ColorRange is a set of contraints to specify possible ranges for hue, saturation, brightness and alpha independently and use these as creation rules for new TColors or ColorLists.
A ColorTheme is a weighted collection of ColorRanges used to define custom palettes with a certain balance between individual colors/shades.
Registry & object factory for default ColorTheoryStrategy implementations as well as custom ones.
A simple interface for implementing rules used to create color palettes.
Creates 5 additional colors in relation to the given base color: a contrasting color: much darker or lighter than the original. a soft supporting color: lighter and less saturated. a contrasting complement: very dark or very light. the complement and a light supporting variant.
A geometric definition of a cone (and cylinder as a special case) with support for mesh creation/representation.
Implements a constant value as waveform.
A ControlNet for a NurbsSurface
A more generic version of the Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm to limit 2D polygons to convex clipping regions.
Implementation of the cosine interpolation function: i = b+(a-b)*(0.5+0.5*cos(f*PI))
This class allows the user to refer to CSV fields/columns via freely chosen IDs.
An event-based CSV data parser with support for field aliases.
Convenience class to create dynamically NurbsCurves.
Line2DRenderModifier implementation to draw a dashed line with customizable step length.
A Simple timestamp generator/formatter with timezone support.
Delivers a number of decimated/stepped values for a given interval.
Convert A-Law or u-Law byte stream into mono PCM byte stream
A DelaunayTriangle is an immutable Set of exactly three Pnts.
A 2D Delaunay DelaunayTriangulation (DT) with incremental site insertion.
Points in Euclidean space, implemented as double[].
Abstract parent class for all displacement subdivision strategies.
A proxy interface to support the sorting of colors in different color spaces.
This subdivision strategy splits an edge in three equal parts using two split points at 33% and 66% of the edge.
This subdivision strategy splits an edge in three equal parts using two split points at 33% and 66% of the edge.
Comparator used by SubdivisionStrategy.getEdgeOrdering() to define the order of edges to be subdivided.
This class defines a 2D ellipse and provides several utility methods for it.
Strips HTML entities such as " from a string, replacing them by their Unicode equivalents.
Abstract parent class for various 2D erosion simulations, implemented as sub-classes.
Exponential curve interpolation with adjustable exponent.
Comparator used by SubdivisionStrategy.getEdgeOrdering() to define the order of edges to be subdivided.
A descriptor and iterator for handling file sequences.
A collection of file handling utilities.
Filter8bit is a collection of non-destructive, threadsafe filters for grayscale images in Processing PImage format.
Optimized Jos Stam style fluid solver with vorticity confinement and buoyancy force.
Frequency modulated bandwidth-limited square wave using a fourier series of harmonics.
Frequency modulated bandwidth unlimited pure sawtooth wave.
Frequency modulated sine wave.
Frequency modulated bandwidth unlimited pure digital square wave.
Implements a frequency modulated triangular wave with its peak at PI: "/\"
A concrete implementation of the abstract GridTesselator using a grid in global coordinate space for generating additional points within a polygon.
A double precision, row major, general and dynamically-resizable, two-dimensional matrix class.
Implementation of the Gray-Scott reaction diffusion model described in detail on the links below:
This is an implementation of the PolygonTesselator interface and abstract parent class for tesselating 2D polygons using a grid of additional points created within the polygon.
A double precision, general, dynamically-resizable, one-dimensional vector class.
HashMap based implementation of the IsoSurface interface.
This class constitutes a single histogram entry, a coupling of color & frequency.
This class can be used to compute the distribution frequency of colors within a given ColorList.
Compares 2 colors by one of their HSV component values.
Implements the DistanceProxy interface to sort colors by HSV distance (used by ColorList.sortByDistance(DistanceProxy, boolean)).
This class defines color hues and allows them to be access by name.
This class provides a simple IIR filter implementation with one of lowpass, highpass or bandpass characteristics.
Defines a generic function to interpolate 2 float values.
Implementations of 2D interpolation functions (currently only bilinear).
An InterpolationException is thrown if Nurbs could not be interpolated from the given points.
Generic interface for ray intersection with 2D geometry
Generic interface for ray intersection with 3D geometry
IsoSurface class based on C version by Paul Bourke and Lingo version by myself.
JOAL convenience wrapper.
KnotVector, assembles the knots values of a NURBS and its degree.
Applies a laplacian smooth function to all vertices in the mesh
Implementation of the linear interpolation function i = a + ( b - a ) * f
A concrete implementation of the abstract GridTesselator using a grid in polygon-local coordinate space for generating additional points within a polygon.
Compares 2 colors by their luminance values.
seed: 0xad5 (101011010101) C# D# F F# G# A# C
Miscellaneous math utilities.
A double precision floating point 3 by 3 matrix.
A single precision floating point 4 by 4 matrix.
Implements a simple row-major 4x4 matrix class, all matrix operations are applied to new instances.
Indicates that an operation cannot be completed properly because of a mismatch in the sizes of object attributes.
Common interface for 3D (triangle) mesh containers.
This subdivision strategy splits an edge in two equal halves at its mid point.
This subdivision strategy simply splits an edge in two equal halves.
Creates 4 additional shades of the given color, thus creating a monochrome palette.
Implements a manager to play a number of shared samples in a multitimbral manner without interrupting/restarting the playback of currently playing sources.
Defines a list of named colors across the spectrum and provides a means to access them by name (strings) dynamically (e.g.
This subdivision strategy splits an edge in two equal halves at its mid point.
This class offers some static methods to create NurbsSurfaces and NurbsCurves from diffrent inputs.
Interface for Nurbs Curves
Interface for Nurbs Surfaces.
Extremely bare bones Wavefront OBJ 3D format exporter.
This interface is the core part of the visitor pattern application for PointOctrees.
This class defines an origin and set of axis vectors for a 3D cartesian coordinate system.
Defines an interface used to constrain VerletParticles based on a custom criteria (e.g.
Defines an interface used to constrain VerletParticles based on a custom criteria (e.g.
This class is used as a builder to dynamically construct a ParticleString2D following a given spline path, sampled at a fixed frequency/step distance.
This class is used as a builder to dynamically construct a ParticleString3D following a given spline path, sampled at a fixed frequency/step distance.
Utility builder/grouping/management class to connect a set of particles into a physical string/thread.
Utility builder/grouping/management class to connect a set of particles into a physical string/thread.
PERLIN NOISE taken from the java port I originally did for PApplet, based on an implementation by the german demo group farbrausch as used in their demo "Art":
A dummy comparator enforcing a FIFO order of segments, i.e.
Class to describe and work with infinite generic 3D planes.
Constrains a particle's movement by locking it to a fixed axis aligned plane.
A VertexSelector implementation for selecting vertices in relation to a given Plane.
Standard Polygon Format (PLY) mesh exporter for toxiclibs TriangleMesh instances.
Implements a spatial subdivision tree to work efficiently with large numbers of 3D particles.
Implements a spatial subdivision tree to work efficiently with large numbers of 2D particles.
Container type for convex polygons.
Defines an interface for clipping 2D polygons.
Compares two colors by their distance to the given target color.
This interface is the core part of the visitor pattern application for PointQuadtrees.
Quaternion implementation with SLERP based on
This comparator sorts segments based on their mid-point's distance to a given origin point.
A simple 2D ray datatype
A simple 3D ray datatype
Defines an immutable API for the TColor class.
Readonly, immutable interface wrapper for Vec2D instances.
Readonly, immutable interface wrapper for Vec3D instances.
Readonly, immutable interface wrapper for Vec3D instances.
Generic interface for ray reflection with 3D geometry
Compares 2 colors by one of their RGB component values.
Implements the DistanceProxy interface to sort colors by RGB distance (used by ColorList.sortByDistance(DistanceProxy, boolean)).
This class maps values from one interval into another.
Interface description of common operations supported by 2D geometry types.
Interface description of common operations supported by 3D geometry types.
Implements the sigmoid interpolation function with adjustable curve sharpness
Simplex Noise in 2D, 3D and 4D.
Lookup table for fast sine & cosine computations.
Standard Sine wave at fixed frequency and values normalized to the given amplitude.
Implements the single complementary color scheme to create a compatible color for the given one.
Implements a registry for dynamic singleton management.
Indicates that inverse of a matrix can not be computed.
The concept of a SoundListener refers directly to the user's instance in the virtual (audio) world.
This class implements a spherical constraint for 3D VerletParticle3Ds.
This implementation of a SurfaceFunction samples a given Sphere instance when called by the SurfaceMeshBuilder.
Spherical harmonics surface evaluator based on code by Paul Bourke:
This is a generic 3D B-Spline class for curves of arbitrary length, control handles and patches are created and joined automatically as described here: Splines/Bint.htm
This is a generic 3D B-Spline class for curves of arbitrary length, control handles and patches are created and joined automatically as described here: Splines/Bint.htm
Implements the split-complementary color scheme to create 2 compatible colors for the given one.
Utility class to read binary STL files and turn them into TriangleMesh instances.
A simple, but flexible and memory efficient exporter for binary STL files.
This is the abstract parent class for all subdivision strategies.
Super ellipsoid surface evaluator based on code by Paul Bourke:
This interface defines a functor for evaluating the coordinates of a surface mesh used by SurfaceMeshBuilder.
An extensible builder class for TriangleMeshes based on 3D surface functions using spherical coordinates.
A version of the Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm to clip 2D polygons optimized for rectangular clipping regions.
This class provides static conversion tools for translating normalized floating point wave data into 16bit PCM.
For each neighbour it's computed the difference between the processed cell and the neighbour:
Floating point color class with implicit RGB, HSV, CMYK access modes, conversion and color theory utils.
Implementation of a 2D grid based heightfield with basic intersection features and conversion to TriangleMesh.
Implements the tetradic color scheme to create 4 compatible colors for the given one.
Applies thermal erosion to the given elevation data.
Defines a single step/threshold function which returns the min value for all factors < threshold and the max value for all others.
In addition to providing new drawing commands, this class provides wrappers for using datatypes of the toxiclibs core package directly with Processing's drawing commands.
Implements the triadic color scheme to create 3 compatible colors for the given one.
An extensible class to dynamically build, manipulate & export triangle meshes.
This subdivision strategy splits an edge in four equal parts using three split points at 25%, 50% and 75% of the edge.
Convenience wrapper providing typed access to Java Properties files.
An MPE inspired synch server for networked multi-screen applications.
Straightforward undirected graph implementation.
This class is used to build an unique set of items and offers a bi-directional mapping between items and their associated ID values.
Comprehensive 2D vector class with additional basic intersection and collision detection features.
Comprehensive 3D vector class with additional basic intersection and collision detection features.
Implements a spring whose maximum relaxation distance at every time step can be limited to achieve better (if physically incorrect) stability of the whole spring system.
Implements a spring whose maximum relaxation distance at every time step can be limited to achieve better (if physically incorrect) stability of the whole spring system.
Implements a string which will only enforce its rest length if the current distance is less than its rest length.
Implements a string which will only enforce its rest length if the current distance is less than its rest length.
An individual 3D particle for use by the VerletPhysics and VerletSpring classes.
An individual 3D particle for use by the VerletPhysics and VerletSpring classes.
3D particle physics engine using Verlet integration based on:
3D particle physics engine using Verlet integration based on:
A spring class connecting two VerletParticles in space.
A spring class connecting two VerletParticles in space.
Abstract parent class for selecting mesh vertices and manipulating resulting selections using set theory operations.
This class encapsulates a single element within a WeightedRandomSet.
This class provides a generic random-weight distribution of arbitary objects.
A class to dynamically build, manipulate & export triangle meshes.
This class provides an adjustable zoom lens to either bundle or dilate values around a focal point within a given interval.