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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


PALEGOLDENROD - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
PALEGREEN - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
PALETURQUOISE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
PALEVIOLETRED - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
PAPAYAWHIP - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
PARALLEL - Enum constant in enum toxi.geom.Line2D.LineIntersection.Type
parse(String[]) - Method in class
Parses the given String array of CSV text lines and emits parse events for clients to process individual rows.
ParticleBehavior2D - Interface in toxi.physics2d.behaviors
ParticleBehavior3D - Interface in toxi.physics3d.behaviors
ParticleConstraint2D - Interface in toxi.physics2d.constraints
Defines an interface used to constrain VerletParticles based on a custom criteria (e.g.
ParticleConstraint3D - Interface in toxi.physics3d.constraints
Defines an interface used to constrain VerletParticles based on a custom criteria (e.g.
ParticlePath2D - Class in toxi.physics2d
This class is used as a builder to dynamically construct a ParticleString2D following a given spline path, sampled at a fixed frequency/step distance.
ParticlePath2D() - Constructor for class toxi.physics2d.ParticlePath2D
ParticlePath2D(List<Vec2D>) - Constructor for class toxi.physics2d.ParticlePath2D
ParticlePath3D - Class in toxi.physics3d
This class is used as a builder to dynamically construct a ParticleString3D following a given spline path, sampled at a fixed frequency/step distance.
ParticlePath3D() - Constructor for class toxi.physics3d.ParticlePath3D
ParticlePath3D(List<Vec3D>) - Constructor for class toxi.physics3d.ParticlePath3D
particles - Variable in class toxi.physics2d.ParticleString2D
particles - Variable in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
List of particles
particles - Variable in class toxi.physics3d.ParticleString3D
particles - Variable in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
List of particles (Vec3D subclassed)
ParticleString2D - Class in toxi.physics2d
Utility builder/grouping/management class to connect a set of particles into a physical string/thread.
ParticleString2D(VerletPhysics2D, List<VerletParticle2D>, float) - Constructor for class toxi.physics2d.ParticleString2D
Takes a list of already created particles connects them into a continuous string using springs.
ParticleString2D(VerletPhysics2D, Vec2D, Vec2D, int, float, float) - Constructor for class toxi.physics2d.ParticleString2D
Creates a number of particles along a line and connects them into a string using springs.
ParticleString3D - Class in toxi.physics3d
Utility builder/grouping/management class to connect a set of particles into a physical string/thread.
ParticleString3D(VerletPhysics3D, List<VerletParticle3D>, float) - Constructor for class toxi.physics3d.ParticleString3D
Takes a list of already created particles connects them into a continuous string using springs.
ParticleString3D(VerletPhysics3D, Vec3D, Vec3D, int, float, float) - Constructor for class toxi.physics3d.ParticleString3D
Creates a number of particles along a line and connects them into a string using springs.
PEACHPUFF - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
PeakBrush - Class in toxi.volume
PeakBrush() - Constructor for class toxi.volume.PeakBrush
perforateFace(Face, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
PerlinNoise - Class in toxi.math.noise
PERLIN NOISE taken from the java port I originally did for PApplet, based on an implementation by the german demo group farbrausch as used in their demo "Art":
PerlinNoise() - Constructor for class toxi.math.noise.PerlinNoise
perpendicular() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
PERU - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
phase - Variable in class toxi.math.waves.AbstractWave
Current wave phase
phase - Variable in class toxi.math.waves.WaveState
PhysTest - Class in toxi.test
PhysTest() - Constructor for class toxi.test.PhysTest
PI - Static variable in class toxi.math.MathUtils
PI - Static variable in class toxi.math.waves.AbstractWave
PI_SQUARED - Static variable in class toxi.math.MathUtils
pickRandom() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedDoubleRange
pickRandom() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedFloatRange
pickRandom() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedIntegerRange
pickRandom() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.DoubleRange
pickRandom() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.FloatRange
pickRandom() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.GenericSet
pickRandom() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.IntegerRange
pickRandom() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.IntegerSet
pickRandomUnique() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.GenericSet
pickRandomUnique() - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.IntegerSet
PINK - Static variable in class toxi.color.Hue
PINK - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
PipelineOrder - Class in toxi.sim.dla
A dummy comparator enforcing a FIFO order of segments, i.e.
PipelineOrder() - Constructor for class toxi.sim.dla.PipelineOrder
pixelsToInch(int, int) - Static method in class toxi.math.conversion.UnitTranslator
Converts pixels into inches.
pixelsToMillis(int, int) - Static method in class toxi.math.conversion.UnitTranslator
Converts pixels into millimeters.
pixelsToPoints(int, int) - Static method in class toxi.math.conversion.UnitTranslator
Converts pixels into points.
plane - Variable in class toxi.geom.mesh.PlaneSelector
plane(Plane, float) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
Draws a square section of a plane at the given size.
Plane - Class in toxi.geom
Class to describe and work with infinite generic 3D planes.
Plane() - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Plane
Plane(ReadonlyVec3D, ReadonlyVec3D) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Plane
Plane(Triangle3D) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Plane
Plane.Classifier - Enum in toxi.geom
PlaneConstraint - Class in toxi.physics3d.constraints
Constrains a particle's movement by locking it to a fixed axis aligned plane.
PlaneConstraint(Vec3D.Axis, Vec3D.Axis, Vec3D) - Constructor for class toxi.physics3d.constraints.PlaneConstraint
PlaneIntersector - Class in toxi.geom
PlaneIntersector(Plane) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.PlaneIntersector
PlaneIsecTest - Class in toxi.test
PlaneIsecTest() - Constructor for class toxi.test.PlaneIsecTest
PlaneSelector - Class in toxi.geom.mesh
A VertexSelector implementation for selecting vertices in relation to a given Plane.
PlaneSelector(Mesh3D, Plane, Plane.Classifier) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh.PlaneSelector
PlaneSelector(Mesh3D, Plane, Plane.Classifier, float) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh.PlaneSelector
PlaneTest - Class in toxi.test.geom
PlaneTest() - Constructor for class toxi.test.geom.PlaneTest
play() - Method in class
PLUM - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
PLYWriter - Class in toxi.geom.mesh
Standard Polygon Format (PLY) mesh exporter for toxiclibs TriangleMesh instances.
PLYWriter() - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh.PLYWriter
point(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
point(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
point(ReadonlyVec4D) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
point(Vec2D) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
Draws a 2D point at the given position.
point(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
Draws a 3D point at the given position.
point(Vec4D) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
POINT_POSTSCRIPT - Static variable in class toxi.math.conversion.UnitTranslator
Number of points per inch
PointCloud3D - Class in toxi.geom
PointCloud3D() - Constructor for class toxi.geom.PointCloud3D
PointCloud3D(int) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.PointCloud3D
pointList - Variable in class toxi.geom.Spline2D
pointList - Variable in class toxi.geom.Spline3D
PointOctree - Class in toxi.geom
Implements a spatial subdivision tree to work efficiently with large numbers of 3D particles.
PointOctree(Vec3D, float) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.PointOctree
Constructs a new PointOctree node within the AABB cube volume: {o.x, o.y, o.z} ...
pointOnCurve(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
pointOnCurve(float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Calculate point on surface for the given u value
pointOnCurve(float, Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
pointOnCurve(float, Vec3D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Calculate point on surface for the given u value
pointOnSurface(double, double) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
pointOnSurface(double, double) - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
pointOnSurface(float, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
pointOnSurface(float, float) - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Calculate point on surface for the given u and v values
pointOnSurface(float, float, Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
pointOnSurface(float, float, Vec3D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Calculate point on surface for the given u and v values
PointQuadtree - Class in toxi.geom
Implements a spatial subdivision tree to work efficiently with large numbers of 2D particles.
PointQuadtree(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.PointQuadtree
PointQuadtree(PointQuadtree, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.PointQuadtree
PointQuadtree(Rect) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.PointQuadtree
PointQuadtree.Type - Enum in toxi.geom
points - Variable in class toxi.geom.mesh.BezierPatch
points2D(Iterator<? extends Vec2D>) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
points2D(List<? extends Vec2D>) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
points2D(List<? extends Vec2D>, float) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
points3D(Iterator<? extends Vec3D>) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
points3D(List<? extends Vec3D>) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
points3D(List<? extends Vec3D>, float) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
points4D(Iterator<? extends Vec4D>) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
points4D(List<? extends Vec4D>) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
points4D(List<? extends Vec4D>, float) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
pointsToMillis(double) - Static method in class toxi.math.conversion.UnitTranslator
Converts points into millimeters.
pointsToPixels(double, int) - Static method in class toxi.math.conversion.UnitTranslator
Converts points into pixels.
pointTowards(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
Rotates the mesh in such a way so that its "forward" axis is aligned with the given direction.
pointTowards(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
Rotates the mesh in such a way so that its "forward" axis is aligned with the given direction.
pointTowards(ReadonlyVec3D, ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
Rotates the mesh in such a way so that its "forward" axis is aligned with the given direction.
pointTowards(ReadonlyVec3D, ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.WETriangleMesh
Rotates the mesh in such a way so that its "forward" axis is aligned with the given direction.
PolyConstrain - Class in toxi.test
PolyConstrain() - Constructor for class toxi.test.PolyConstrain
polygon2D(Polygon2D) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
Polygon2D - Class in toxi.geom
Container type for convex polygons.
Polygon2D() - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Polygon2D(List<Vec2D>) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
Polygon2D(Vec2D...) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.Polygon2D
PolygonClipper2D - Interface in toxi.geom
Defines an interface for clipping 2D polygons.
PolygonConstraint - Class in toxi.physics2d.constraints
PolygonConstraint(Polygon2D, boolean) - Constructor for class toxi.physics2d.constraints.PolygonConstraint
PolygonTesselator - Interface in toxi.geom
PolygonTest - Class in toxi.test.geom
PolygonTest() - Constructor for class toxi.test.geom.PolygonTest
pop() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.AbstractWave
pop() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.AMFMSineWave
pop() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMHarmonicSquareWave
pop() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMSawtoothWave
pop() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMSineWave
pop() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMSquareWave
pop() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMTriangleWave
pos - Variable in class toxi.geom.IsectData2D
pos - Variable in class toxi.geom.IsectData3D
pos - Variable in class toxi.math.waves.Wave2D
positiveHeading() - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
possEntityToChar(String) - Static method in class
Checks a number of gauntlet conditions to ensure this is a valid entity.
post() - Method in class toxi.image.util.TiledFrameExporter
POWDERBLUE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
pre() - Method in class toxi.image.util.TiledFrameExporter
PrefUtilsTest - Class in toxi.test
PrefUtilsTest() - Constructor for class toxi.test.PrefUtilsTest
PRESETS - Static variable in class toxi.color.ColorRange
List of ColorRange presets.
prewalk(QuadtreeVisitor) - Method in class toxi.geom.PointQuadtree
PRIMARY_VARIANCE - Static variable in class toxi.color.Hue
Tolerance value for checking if a given hue is primary (default 0.01)
processVertices2D(Iterator<? extends Vec2D>, int, boolean) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
processVertices2D(Iterator<? extends Vec2D>, int, boolean, float) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
processVertices3D(Iterator<? extends Vec3D>, int, boolean) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
processVertices3D(Iterator<? extends Vec3D>, int, boolean, float) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
processVertices4D(Iterator<? extends Vec4D>, int, boolean) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
processVertices4D(Iterator<? extends Vec4D>, int, boolean, float) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
ProximityComparator - Class in toxi.color
Compares two colors by their distance to the given target color.
ProximityComparator(ReadonlyTColor, DistanceProxy) - Constructor for class toxi.color.ProximityComparator
pubDate - Variable in class
pubDate - Variable in class
PURPLE - Static variable in class toxi.color.Hue
PURPLE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
push() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.AbstractWave
push() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.AMFMSineWave
push() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMHarmonicSquareWave
push() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMSawtoothWave
push() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMSineWave
push() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMSquareWave
push() - Method in class toxi.math.waves.FMTriangleWave
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form