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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


DARK - Static variable in class toxi.color.ColorRange
Shade definition: saturation 70-100%, brightness: 15-40%
DARKBLUE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKCYAN - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
darken(float) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
Reduces the color's brightness by the given amount (e.g 0.1 = 10% darker).
DARKGOLDENROD - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKGRAY - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKGREEN - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKKHAKI - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKMAGENTA - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKOLIVEGREEN - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKORANGE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKORCHID - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKRED - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKSALMON - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKSEAGREEN - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKSLATEBLUE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKSLATEGRAY - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKTURQUOISE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DARKVIOLET - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DashedLineModifier - Class in toxi.processing
Line2DRenderModifier implementation to draw a dashed line with customizable step length.
DashedLineModifier(float) - Constructor for class toxi.processing.DashedLineModifier
Constructs a new instance
DateUtils - Class in toxi.util
A Simple timestamp generator/formatter with timezone support.
DateUtils() - Constructor for class toxi.util.DateUtils
debug() - Method in class
Uses the class' logger to print out status information about the current usage of the managed audio sources.
decay(float) - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
decay(float) - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver3D
DecimatedInterpolation - Class in toxi.math
Delivers a number of decimated/stepped values for a given interval.
DecimatedInterpolation(int) - Constructor for class toxi.math.DecimatedInterpolation
DecimatedInterpolation(int, InterpolateStrategy) - Constructor for class toxi.math.DecimatedInterpolation
decomposeLU(int, double[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Given a nxn array "matrix0", this function replaces it with the LU decomposition of a row-wise permutation of itself.
DecompressInputStream - Class in
Convert A-Law or u-Law byte stream into mono PCM byte stream
DecompressInputStream(InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class
DEEPPINK - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DEEPSKYBLUE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DEFAULT - Static variable in class toxi.geom.mesh.STLWriter
DEFAULT_BUFFER - Static variable in class toxi.geom.mesh.STLWriter
DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_NUM_FACES - Static variable in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
Default size for face list
DEFAULT_NUM_VERTICES - Static variable in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
Default size for vertex list
DEFAULT_ORDERING - Static variable in class toxi.geom.mesh.subdiv.SubdivisionStrategy
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class com.toxi.nio.UDPClient
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class com.toxi.nio.UDPServer
DEFAULT_PRECISION - Static variable in class toxi.math.SinCosLUT
default precision
DEFAULT_RES - Static variable in class toxi.geom.Ellipse
DEFAULT_RES - Static variable in class toxi.geom.Spline2D
DEFAULT_RGB - Static variable in class toxi.geom.mesh.STLWriter
DEFAULT_SIZE - Static variable in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.Voronoi
DEFAULT_STRIDE - Static variable in class toxi.geom.mesh.TriangleMesh
Default stride setting used for serializing mesh properties into arrays.
DEFAULT_TIGHTNESS - Static variable in class toxi.geom.Spline2D
DEFAULT_TIGHTNESS - Static variable in class toxi.geom.Spline3D
DEFAULT_VARIANCE - Static variable in class toxi.color.ColorRange
DefaultSelector - Class in toxi.geom.mesh
DefaultSelector(Mesh3D) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh.DefaultSelector
DefaultSTLColorModel - Class in toxi.geom.mesh
DefaultSTLColorModel() - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh.DefaultSTLColorModel
DEG2RAD - Static variable in class toxi.math.MathUtils
Degrees to radians conversion factor
degrees(double) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
degrees(float) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
delaunayPlace(DelaunayVertex) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayTriangulation
Place a new site into the DT.
DelaunayTriangle - Class in toxi.geom.mesh2d
A DelaunayTriangle is an immutable Set of exactly three Pnts.
DelaunayTriangle(Collection<? extends DelaunayVertex>) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayTriangle
DelaunayTriangle(DelaunayVertex...) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayTriangle
DelaunayTriangulation - Class in toxi.geom.mesh2d
A 2D Delaunay DelaunayTriangulation (DT) with incremental site insertion.
DelaunayTriangulation(DelaunayTriangle) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayTriangulation
All sites must fall within the initial triangle.
DelaunayVertex - Class in toxi.geom.mesh2d
Points in Euclidean space, implemented as double[].
DelaunayVertex(double...) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayVertex
DelayedSamplePlayer - Class in
DelayedSamplePlayer(AudioSource, long) - Constructor for class
DelayedSamplePlayer(AudioSource, AudioBuffer, long) - Constructor for class
delete() - Method in class
Deletes this buffer, and frees its resources.
delete() - Method in class
Deletes this source, and free its resources.
deleteAll() - Method in class
Deletes & releases all sources and buffers created via this class.
deleteBuffer(AudioBuffer) - Method in class
deleteSource(AudioSource) - Method in class
deleteSource(AudioSource, boolean) - Method in class
DELIM - Static variable in class toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties
delta - Variable in class toxi.geom.Spline2D
delta - Variable in class toxi.geom.Spline3D
delta - Variable in class toxi.newmesh.SpatialIndex
DeltaOrientationMapper - Class in toxi.processing
DeltaOrientationMapper(Vec3D, ToneMap) - Constructor for class toxi.processing.DeltaOrientationMapper
deltaSq - Variable in class toxi.newmesh.SpatialIndex
densitySolver() - Method in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver2D
The basic density solving routine.
derivativesOnCurve(float, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
derivativesOnCurve(float, int) - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
derivativesOnCurve(float, int, Vec3D[]) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
derivativesOnCurve(float, int, Vec3D[]) - Method in interface toxi.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
derivBasisFunctions(float, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Calculates the basis functions and its derivatives up to the given grade.
derivBasisFunctions(int, float, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Calculates the basis functions and its derivatives up to the given grade.
desaturate(float) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
Reduced the color's saturation by the given amount.
description - Variable in class
description - Variable in class
determinant() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix3d
Computes the determinant of this matrix.
determinant() - Method in class toxi.geom.Matrix4f
Computes the determinate of this matrix.
determinant(DelaunayVertex[]) - Static method in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayVertex
Compute the determinant of a matrix (array of Pnts).
diff - Variable in class toxi.sim.fluids.FluidSolver3D
DIFFERENCE - Enum constant in enum toxi.geom.BooleanShapeBuilder.Type
differenceTo(TColor) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
dimCheck(DelaunayVertex) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayVertex
Check that dimensions match.
dimension() - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayVertex
DIMGRAY - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
DIMGREY - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
dir - Variable in class toxi.geom.Axis3D
dir - Variable in class toxi.geom.Cone
dir - Variable in class toxi.geom.IsectData2D
dir - Variable in class toxi.geom.IsectData3D
disconnect(N, N) - Method in class toxi.util.datatypes.UndirectedGraph
Remove the specified link.
DisplacementSubdivision - Class in toxi.geom.mesh.subdiv
Abstract parent class for all displacement subdivision strategies.
DisplacementSubdivision(float) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh.subdiv.DisplacementSubdivision
dist - Variable in class toxi.geom.IsectData2D
dist - Variable in class toxi.geom.IsectData3D
distanceBetween(ReadonlyTColor, ReadonlyTColor) - Method in class toxi.color.CMYKDistanceProxy
distanceBetween(ReadonlyTColor, ReadonlyTColor) - Method in interface toxi.color.DistanceProxy
Computes the distance between 2 colors.
distanceBetween(ReadonlyTColor, ReadonlyTColor) - Method in class toxi.color.HSVDistanceProxy
distanceBetween(ReadonlyTColor, ReadonlyTColor) - Method in class toxi.color.RGBDistanceProxy
DistanceProxy - Interface in toxi.color
A proxy interface to support the sorting of colors in different color spaces.
distanceTo(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Calculates distance to another vector
distanceTo(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
distanceTo(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Calculates distance to another vector.
distanceTo(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
distanceTo(ReadonlyVec4D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Calculates distance to another vector.
distanceTo(ReadonlyVec4D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
distanceToCMYK(ReadonlyTColor) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
Calculates the CMYK distance to the given color.
distanceToCMYK(ReadonlyTColor) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
distanceToHSV(ReadonlyTColor) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
Calculates the HSV distance to the given color.
distanceToHSV(ReadonlyTColor) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
distanceToPoint(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D
distanceToPointSquared(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Line2D
distanceToRGB(ReadonlyTColor) - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
Calculates the RGB distance to the given color.
distanceToRGB(ReadonlyTColor) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
distanceToSquared(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Calculates the squared distance to another vector
distanceToSquared(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
distanceToSquared(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Calculates the squared distance to another vector.
distanceToSquared(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
distanceToSquared(ReadonlyVec4D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Calculates the squared distance to another vector.
distanceToSquared(ReadonlyVec4D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
DLA - Class in toxi.sim.dla
DLA(float) - Constructor for class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
DLA(float, DLAConfiguration, DLAGuideLines) - Constructor for class toxi.sim.dla.DLA
dlaAllSegmentsProcessed(DLA) - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAEventAdapter
dlaAllSegmentsProcessed(DLA) - Method in interface toxi.sim.dla.DLAEventListener
DLAConfiguration - Class in toxi.sim.dla
DLAConfiguration() - Constructor for class toxi.sim.dla.DLAConfiguration
DLAEventAdapter - Class in toxi.sim.dla
DLAEventAdapter() - Constructor for class toxi.sim.dla.DLAEventAdapter
DLAEventListener - Interface in toxi.sim.dla
DLAGuideLines - Class in toxi.sim.dla
DLAGuideLines() - Constructor for class toxi.sim.dla.DLAGuideLines
DLAGuideLines(Comparator<Line3D>) - Constructor for class toxi.sim.dla.DLAGuideLines
dlaNewParticleAdded(DLA, Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAEventAdapter
dlaNewParticleAdded(DLA, Vec3D) - Method in interface toxi.sim.dla.DLAEventListener
DLAParticle - Class in toxi.sim.dla
DLAParticle(Vec3D, float, float, float) - Constructor for class toxi.sim.dla.DLAParticle
DLASegment - Class in toxi.sim.dla
DLASegment(Vec3D, Vec3D, Vec3D) - Constructor for class toxi.sim.dla.DLASegment
dlaSegmentSwitched(DLA, DLASegment) - Method in class toxi.sim.dla.DLAEventAdapter
dlaSegmentSwitched(DLA, DLASegment) - Method in interface toxi.sim.dla.DLAEventListener
DODGERBLUE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
doDrawLine - Variable in class toxi.processing.ArrowModifier
dot(GVector) - Method in class toxi.geom.GVector
Returns the dot product of this vector and vector v.
dot(DelaunayVertex) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayVertex
Dot product.
dot(Quaternion) - Method in class toxi.geom.Quaternion
Computes the dot product with the given quaternion.
dot(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Computes the scalar product (dot product) with the given vector.
dot(ReadonlyVec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
dot(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D
Computes the scalar product (dot product) with the given vector.
dot(ReadonlyVec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
dot(ReadonlyVec4D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec4D
Computes the scalar product (dot product) with the given vector.
dot(ReadonlyVec4D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec4D
dot(Vec3D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec3D
DOT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class toxi.geom.Quaternion
DoubleRange - Class in toxi.util.datatypes
DoubleRange() - Constructor for class toxi.util.datatypes.DoubleRange
DoubleRange(double, double) - Constructor for class toxi.util.datatypes.DoubleRange
draw() - Method in class toxi.test.AttractTest
draw() - Method in class toxi.test.AttractTest2D
draw() - Method in class toxi.test.BezierTest
draw() - Method in class toxi.test.Circle3
draw() - Method in class toxi.test.ClipTest
draw() - Method in class toxi.test.PhysTest
draw() - Method in class toxi.test.PlaneIsecTest
draw() - Method in class toxi.test.PolyConstrain
draw() - Method in class toxi.test.QuadtreeTest
draw() - Method in class toxi.test.VolumetricTest
drawAtAbsolutePos(Vec3D, float) - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricBrush
drawAtGridPos(float, float, float, float) - Method in class toxi.volume.BoxBrush
drawAtGridPos(float, float, float, float) - Method in class toxi.volume.RoundBrush
drawAtGridPos(float, float, float, float) - Method in class toxi.volume.VolumetricBrush
drawBoxAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class toxi.sim.automata.CAMatrix
Sets all matrix cells in a square around the given x,y coordinates to the requested state.
DualDisplacementSubdivision - Class in toxi.geom.mesh.subdiv
This subdivision strategy splits an edge in three equal parts using two split points at 33% and 66% of the edge.
DualDisplacementSubdivision(Vec3D, float, float) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh.subdiv.DualDisplacementSubdivision
dualSign(double, double) - Static method in class toxi.math.MathUtils
DualSubdivision - Class in toxi.geom.mesh.subdiv
This subdivision strategy splits an edge in three equal parts using two split points at 33% and 66% of the edge.
DualSubdivision() - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh.subdiv.DualSubdivision
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form