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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


b - Variable in class toxi.geom.Line2D
b - Variable in class toxi.geom.Line3D
b - Variable in class toxi.geom.mesh.Face
b - Variable in class toxi.geom.Triangle2D
b - Variable in class toxi.geom.Triangle3D
b - Variable in class toxi.newmesh.AttributedEdge
b - Variable in class toxi.newmesh.AttributedFace
b - Variable in class toxi.physics2d.VerletSpring2D
Spring end points / particles
b - Variable in class toxi.physics3d.VerletSpring3D
Spring end points / particles
b0 - Variable in class toxi.geom.BernsteinPolynomial
b1 - Variable in class toxi.geom.BernsteinPolynomial
b2 - Variable in class toxi.geom.BernsteinPolynomial
b3 - Variable in class toxi.geom.BernsteinPolynomial
BACK - Enum constant in enum toxi.geom.Plane.Classifier
backSolveLUD(GMatrix, GVector, GVector) - Method in class toxi.geom.GVector
LU Decomposition Back Solve; this method takes the LU matrix and the permutation vector produced by the GMatrix method LUD and solves the equation (LU)*x = b by placing the solution vector x into this vector.
backSolveSVD(GMatrix, GMatrix, GMatrix, GVector) - Method in class toxi.geom.GVector
Solves for x in Ax = b, where x is this vector (nx1), A is mxn, b is mx1, and A = U*W*transpose(V); U,W,V must be precomputed and can be found by taking the singular value decomposition (SVD) of A using the method SVD found in the GMatrix class.
backSubstituteLU(int, double[], int[], double[]) - Static method in class toxi.geom.GMatrix
Solves a set of linear equations.
BANDPASS - Enum constant in enum
bareHTMLEntityToChar(String, char) - Static method in class
convert an entity to a single char.
BARK - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
BasicNurbsCurve - Class in toxi.geom.nurbs
A Basic implementation of a NurbsCurve.
BasicNurbsCurve(Vec4D[], float[], int) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Create a Nurbs Curve from the given Controlpoints, Knots and degree.
[TODO Validate Input, part of it is done by creating the KnotVector]
BasicNurbsCurve(Vec4D[], KnotVector) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Generate a Nurbs from the given Controlpoints and the given Knotvector.
[TODO validate input]
BasicNurbsSurface - Class in toxi.geom.nurbs
A Basic NurbsSurface implementation.
BasicNurbsSurface(ControlNet, float[], float[], int, int) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Create a Nurbs Surface from the given ControlNet and the knot values of degree p in u direction and of degree q in v direction.
BasicNurbsSurface(ControlNet, KnotVector, KnotVector) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Create a Nurbs form the Controlnet and the two Knot vectors.
basisFunctions(float) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Gets the basis function values for the given u value.
basisFunctions(int, float) - Method in class toxi.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Calculates the basis function values for the given u value, when it's already known in which span u lies.
beginSave(OutputStream) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.OBJWriter
beginSave(OutputStream, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.STLWriter
beginSave(String) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.OBJWriter
beginSave(String, int) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh.STLWriter
behaviors - Variable in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
behaviors - Variable in class toxi.physics2d.VerletPhysics2D
behaviors - Variable in class toxi.physics3d.VerletParticle3D
behaviors - Variable in class toxi.physics3d.VerletPhysics3D
BEIGE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
bernstein - Variable in class toxi.geom.Spline2D
bernstein - Variable in class toxi.geom.Spline3D
BernsteinPolynomial - Class in toxi.geom
Helper class for the spline3d classes in this package.
BernsteinPolynomial(int) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.BernsteinPolynomial
BezierCurve2D - Class in toxi.geom
Standard multi-segment bezier curve implementation with optional automatic handle alignment between segments.
BezierCurve2D() - Constructor for class toxi.geom.BezierCurve2D
BezierCurve2D(List<Vec2D>) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.BezierCurve2D
BezierCurve3D - Class in toxi.geom
Standard multi-segment bezier curve implementation with optional automatic handle alignment between segments.
BezierCurve3D() - Constructor for class toxi.geom.BezierCurve3D
BezierCurve3D(List<Vec3D>) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.BezierCurve3D
BezierInterpolation - Class in toxi.math
Bezier curve interpolation with configurable coefficients.
BezierInterpolation(float, float) - Constructor for class toxi.math.BezierInterpolation
BezierPatch - Class in toxi.geom.mesh
4x4 bezier patch implementation with tesselation support (dynamic resolution) for generating triangle mesh representations.
BezierPatch() - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh.BezierPatch
BezierPatch(Vec3D[][]) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh.BezierPatch
BezierTest - Class in toxi.test
BezierTest() - Constructor for class toxi.test.BezierTest
bi - Variable in class toxi.geom.Spline2D
bi - Variable in class toxi.geom.Spline3D
bias - Variable in class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedIntegerRange
BiasedDoubleRange - Class in toxi.util.datatypes
BiasedDoubleRange() - Constructor for class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedDoubleRange
BiasedDoubleRange(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedDoubleRange
BiasedFloatRange - Class in toxi.util.datatypes
BiasedFloatRange() - Constructor for class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedFloatRange
BiasedFloatRange(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedFloatRange
BiasedIntegerRange - Class in toxi.util.datatypes
BiasedIntegerRange() - Constructor for class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedIntegerRange
BiasedIntegerRange(int, int, int, float) - Constructor for class toxi.util.datatypes.BiasedIntegerRange
bilinear(double, double, double, double, double, double, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class toxi.math.Interpolation2D
bilinear(Vec2D, Vec2D, Vec2D, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class toxi.math.Interpolation2D
BilinearTest - Class in toxi.test
BilinearTest() - Constructor for class toxi.test.BilinearTest
bisect(Vec2D) - Method in interface toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec2D
Computes the perpendicular bisector of two points.
bisect(Vec2D) - Method in class toxi.geom.Vec2D
bisector(DelaunayVertex) - Method in class toxi.geom.mesh2d.DelaunayVertex
Perpendicular bisector of two Pnts.
BISQUE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
black() - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
black() - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
BLACK - Static variable in class toxi.color.AccessCriteria
BLACK - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
BLACK - Static variable in class toxi.color.TColor
BLACK_POINT - Static variable in class toxi.color.TColor
Maximum rgb component value for a color to be classified as black.
BLANCHEDALMOND - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
blend(ReadonlyTColor, float) - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
Blends the color with the given one by the stated amount
blue() - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
blue() - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
BLUE - Static variable in class toxi.color.AccessCriteria
BLUE - Static variable in class toxi.color.Hue
BLUE - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
BLUE - Static variable in class toxi.color.TColor
BLUEVIOLET - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
BooleanShapeBuilder - Class in toxi.geom
BooleanShapeBuilder(BooleanShapeBuilder.Type) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.BooleanShapeBuilder
BooleanShapeBuilder(BooleanShapeBuilder.Type, int) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.BooleanShapeBuilder
BooleanShapeBuilder.Type - Enum in toxi.geom
booleanToByteArray(boolean[]) - Static method in class toxi.sim.automata.CARule2D
BOTH - Enum constant in enum toxi.processing.ArrowModifier.Type
BottomUpOrder - Class in toxi.sim.dla
This comparator sorts segments based on their midpoint's Y position.
BottomUpOrder(boolean) - Constructor for class toxi.sim.dla.BottomUpOrder
bounds - Variable in class toxi.physics2d.VerletParticle2D
Bounding box, by default set to null to disable
bounds - Variable in class toxi.physics3d.VerletParticle3D
Bounding box, by default set to null to disable
box - Variable in class toxi.geom.mesh.BoxSelector
box - Variable in class toxi.physics3d.constraints.SoftBoxConstraint
box(AABB) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
box(AABB, boolean) - Method in class toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport
BoxBrush - Class in toxi.volume
BoxBrush(VolumetricSpace, float) - Constructor for class toxi.volume.BoxBrush
BoxConstraint - Class in toxi.physics3d.constraints
BoxConstraint(AABB) - Constructor for class toxi.physics3d.constraints.BoxConstraint
BoxConstraint(Vec3D, Vec3D) - Constructor for class toxi.physics3d.constraints.BoxConstraint
BoxIntersector - Class in toxi.geom
BoxIntersector(AABB) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.BoxIntersector
BoxSelector - Class in toxi.geom.mesh
A VertexSelector implementation for selecting vertices within a given AABB.
BoxSelector(Mesh3D, AABB) - Constructor for class toxi.geom.mesh.BoxSelector
BRANCH - Enum constant in enum toxi.geom.PointQuadtree.Type
BRIGHT - Static variable in class toxi.color.ColorRange
Shade definition: saturation 80-100%, brightness: 80-100%
brightness() - Method in interface toxi.color.ReadonlyTColor
brightness() - Method in class toxi.color.TColor
BRIGHTNESS - Static variable in class toxi.color.AccessCriteria
BROWN - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
BrushMode - Interface in toxi.volume
build(WETriangleMesh, int, float) - Static method in class toxi.volume.MeshLatticeBuilder
build(WETriangleMesh, int, FloatRange) - Static method in class toxi.volume.MeshLatticeBuilder
buildLattice(WETriangleMesh, Mesh3D, float) - Method in class toxi.volume.MeshLatticeBuilder
buildVolume(WETriangleMesh) - Method in class toxi.volume.MeshLatticeBuilder
buildVolume(WETriangleMesh, int, float) - Static method in class toxi.volume.MeshLatticeBuilder
buildVolume(WETriangleMesh, int, FloatRange) - Static method in class toxi.volume.MeshLatticeBuilder
buildVolume(WETriangleMesh, VolumetricBrush) - Method in class toxi.volume.MeshLatticeBuilder
BURLYWOOD - Static variable in class toxi.color.NamedColor
byteListToArray(List<Byte>) - Static method in class toxi.sim.automata.CARule2D
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form