Package toxi.geom

Class GlobalGridTesselator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GlobalGridTesselator extends GridTesselator
A concrete implementation of the abstract GridTesselator using a grid in global coordinate space for generating additional points within a polygon. The resolution setting of this class defines the axis-aligned distance between grid points. E.g. a resolution of 10 means grid points are created a world space positions of multiples of 10 (i.e. 0,10,20 etc.). This resolution is used independently on polygon size, so depending on the chosen resolution and polygon size no additional inliers MIGHT be created at all. This behavior property is useful in cases where you want to adjust the number of resulting triangles dynamically, e.g. based on polygon size. Use the LocalGridTesselator for an alternative behavior.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GlobalGridTesselator

      public GlobalGridTesselator(float res)