Package toxi.volume

Interface IsoSurface

All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayIsoSurface, HashIsoSurface

public interface IsoSurface
IsoSurface class based on C version by Paul Bourke and Lingo version by myself.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    computeSurfaceMesh(Mesh3D mesh, float iso)
    Computes the surface mesh for the given iso value.
    Resets mesh vertices to default positions and clears face index.
  • Method Details

    • computeSurfaceMesh

      Mesh3D computeSurfaceMesh(Mesh3D mesh, float iso)
      Computes the surface mesh for the given iso value. An existing mesh container can be reused (will be cleared) or created automatically (if null). In the latter case a simple TriangleMesh instance is created.
      mesh - existing mesh container or null
      iso - surface iso value
      Mesh3D instance
    • reset

      void reset()
      Resets mesh vertices to default positions and clears face index. Needs to be called inbetween successive calls to computeSurfaceMesh(Mesh3D, float).