Class ParticlePath2D


public class ParticlePath2D extends Spline2D
This class is used as a builder to dynamically construct a ParticleString2D following a given spline path, sampled at a fixed frequency/step distance. This functionality is needed especially when working with various obstacles/mechanic constraints which the string should flow/wrap around.
  • Constructor Details

    • ParticlePath2D

      public ParticlePath2D()
    • ParticlePath2D

      public ParticlePath2D(List<Vec2D> points)
  • Method Details

    • createParticles

      public List<VerletParticle2D> createParticles(VerletPhysics2D physics, int subDiv, float step, float mass)
      Creates particles along the spline at the fixed interval given. The precision of this interval will largely depend on the number of subdivision vertices created, but can be adjusted via the related parameter.
      physics - physics instance
      subDiv - number spline segment subdivisions
      step - desired rest length between particles
      mass - desired particle mass
      list of particles